AFP newswire even less reliable than Chinese spokesperson on bird flu

Since we posted here less than a week ago on a recent paper authored by Chinese and US scientists in The Lancet giving scientific details confirming what most people had already assumed was a person to person transmission of H5N1 between a father and son, it was with considerable surprise we read the headline of a story from wire service Agency France Presse (AFP) claiming that Chinese authorities had "rejected a study which found a probable case of human-to-human bird flu transmission in the country, state media reported." On the one hand we were hesitant to accept this report at face value because of the source: AFP has shown itself to be an unreliable, inaccurate and often sensationalistic wire service when it comes to medical reporting. They simply aren't in the same league as AP, Bloomberg, Reuters and the others. When it comes to comparing them to superb flu reporters like Canadian Press's Helen Branswell, they aren't even in the same universe. On the other hand, who in their right mind would believe Chinese authorities? Spokespeople for the Chinese government are, like their White House counterparts, nothing more than professional liars. China's pronouncements on Tibet are the mirror image of the White House Press Secretary's bullshit about Iraq.

It turns out that in this case AFP is even less reliable than the Chinese government, and that's saying a whole lot. The quote from the Chinese authorities in the AFP piece is accurate but it is placed in the wrong context. Here's the AFP text:

The study, published in British medical magazine The Lancet this week, said a 24-year-old man was likely to have infected his father with H5N1 before dying, raising the spectre of a feared flu pandemic.

But health ministry spokesman Mao Qun'an said there was no clear evidence to support the findings.

"So far no evidence has been found in China to support the idea that the H5N1 virus can easily pass from one person to another," he said, according to Xinhua news agency on Friday. (AFP via Yahoo News)

We checked the Chinese newswire, Xinhua and found this:

There is no clear evidence in China indicating the H5N1 human bird flu virus has mutated into a pandemic strain, according to the Ministry of Health on Friday.

"We noticed that media at home and abroad paid great attention to the human bird flu case in Nanjing last December when a father and son caught the H5N1 virus," said Mao Qun'an, the health ministry spokesman, at a monthly press conference.

"So far no evidence has been found in China to support the idea that the H5N1 virus can easily pass from one person to another."

The December case took place in Nanjing, capital of eastern Jiangsu. The son, 24, the first to be infected, died on Dec. 2. His father was later confirmed to be infected with the H5N1 virus, but recovered.

The ministry had already confirmed the father, surnamed Lu, contracted the virus through close contact with his ill son.

"Samples of the H5N1 virus taken from the father and son were almost genetically identical," Mao said, but noted there was no substantial difference. (Xinhua, bolded section quoted by AFP)

This makes it quite clear Chinese authorities were not denying the scientific findings but only "rumors" that this instance of person to person transmission was evidence the virus had mutated to become easily transmissible from person to person. The scientific paper took some pains to say the findings should not be interpreted as evidence of this.

It's always a problem when a habitually inaccurate news source says things about a habitually deceitful government. In this case the deceitful government comes out on top. But so as not to spoil the splendid record for bullshit by Chinese authorities, the Xinhua piece ends concludes:

Mao added a health news release mechanism in line with the country's regulation on transparent government, effective on May 1,had currently been set up in health departments of 31 provincial-level governments.

Local health department spokespersons will promptly release information of public health incidents and inform the public of health policies and the progress of local health work.

Yeah, right. And we're The Andrews Sisters.

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Here is the biggest newsflash of them all Revere. No one but the media on the other side of the planet is covering bird flu. When it crawls onto the lawn at the White House and eats someone inside, they will acknowledge it then.

Hey Couric has whipped the ratings before with Hillary's "vast republican conspiracy" so its beyond me why she hasnt gotten this bit between her teeth. You start reporting on even 1/2 of what we absolutely all agree as being right here and you would have a full blown riot going on with the Congress.

It will come as a thief in the night......

Good post though. H.B. does a marvy job of just reporting the facts and doesnt spin it at all unless its been given to her spun up.

Which one of the sisters are you?

By M. Randolph Kruger (not verified) on 13 Apr 2008 #permalink

Randolph, even the media has lost interest. You are right, it won't be big news again until we see people dying in the arms of loved ones, after being turned away from hospitals with no room......even in the hallways. This is turning out to be an absolutely fascinating study. Too bad the consequences of inaction predict dire results for some, possibly many. This is true of any pandemic not just H5N1.

The 'talk to the hand' mentality is both a plus and a minus. We go on with our lives just like the grasshopper, while a few ants prepare for the worst. So, who is better off, the ant or the grasshopper? I think that question has already been answered. Most people prefer the 'live for today for we may be hit by a bus tomorrow', mindset. Are you a gambler and blase' or, are you wise but always under stress? If you cannot deal with the problem in a positive and productive way, then your only alternative to play the violin along with the grasshopper. Pray the ant has provided enough for you too. It is too bad this administration is led by the King of the grasshoppers and not P.M. Gorden Brown.

By Shannon http:/… (not verified) on 14 Apr 2008 #permalink

You may not be aware of it Shannon that HHS Secretary Leavitt visited the Indons today or yesterday their time to "urge" the Indons to share their samples. To me this is a shot across their bow. Pony it up or we will pull along with the UK, Germany, Netherlands all of the monetary support from the country. Oh, they'll piss and moan then but the message is clear. The world isnt going to be paying for anything in relation to BF directly under any MTA or virus sample sharing agreement.

Its extortion and it will last right up until the government of Indon "changes" their minds.

It was a five para article on the AP this a.m.

But you know what else I glean from this? We are acknowledging that we really need those samples to see if its coming. Supari's behavior ensures a Chinese response if this starts to get hairy. There are several million ethnic Chinese in the country and hundreds of thousands of workers. They could knock the place off in an afternoon. It should be no surprise to anyone that their entire economy is geared off of the Indon oil.. and more at that.

By M. Randolph Kruger (not verified) on 14 Apr 2008 #permalink

Randolph, evidently the Indonesian President isn't buying it. Evidently also Supari isn't working in a vacuum. She has the backing from the President of Indonesia.

The USA OBJECT made use of the SAMPLE H5N1 from the DEVELOPING COUNTRY, Jakarta: United States Health Minister Michael Leavitt denied the Menkes Siti Fadillah Supari accusation the matter of the utilisation of the sample of the bird flu virus from the developing country for the US interests and the Kesehatan Body of the World.According to Leavitt, the USA worked with transparans processed the virus H5N1 to produce the bird flu vaccine.That it was stressed Leavitt in the meeting with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Menkes Siti Fadillah in Jakarta, this afternoon.Nevertheless, Menkes Siti Fadillah stressed, Indonesia continued to refuse to send the sample of the virus H5N1 to WHO before material Transfer Agreement (MTA) was agreed to by the two sides.Moreover the use of this virus was it was thought not transparent.Moreover, the vaccine that was produced precisely was sold with the expensive price to the country that needed.In the meantime, President SBY hoped various rumours that were not yet finished between Indonesia and the USA immediately could be finished.
TY to Treyfish for locating and translating this document.

By Shannon http:/… (not verified) on 14 Apr 2008 #permalink

"It's always a problem when a habitually inaccurate news source says things about a habitually deceitful government. In this case the deceitful government comes out on top. But so as not to spoil the splendid record for bullshit by Chinese authorities"

This is all I needed to know to make an informed decision that this site is full of shit. Judging from a measly 4 responses I'm glad that no one finds it worthwhile to read your garbage. Ah...Americans, where slander and derogatory statements are a habitual way of life. For the record, America is the only country I know of that has resorted to the use of biochemical weapons (ref : Agent Orange, Blue, White...etc). Why should I believe anything a two faced American scumbag like you has to say about anything?? This is the first and last time I'll be visiting this pathetic excuse for a scientifically objective minded site..better things to do with my life, almost anything is better compared to this. *Disgusted*

By asdf lkjh (not verified) on 28 Apr 2009 #permalink