WOMWorld/Noika has invited me to travel to Salzburg Austria and visit with the Felix and the Red Bull Stratos team. I am pumped up.
Why? Why oh why you might ask. Well, I guess it is for several reasons.
- Nokia and WOMWorld get some exposure because I will blog about my experiences.
- You, the readers, get to read about it.
First, I have several posts about the physics of the Red Bull Stratos jump. (quickly, the stratos jump has Felix Baumgartner jumping out of a balloon at 120,000 feet).
Really, it is win-win-win. And trust me, I will find some good stuff to blog about.
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Congratulations! That is awesome (and I'm jealous)! BTW, thanks for the Real/Fake "nomination." I still have to go through your older posts and add to the collection.
and RedBull is not Pepsi.
wow! that will be a *lot* of fun. looking forward to the posts.