Video Analysisability Score for videos

I keep saying the same stuff over and over when it comes to analyzing videos. I can't immediately find a post that lists what makes a video acceptable for analysis, so I will just reproduce on here. I will give 1 point for each of the following that the video has:

  • Stationary camera and background
  • Camera does not zoom
  • Motion perpendicular to the camera
  • You can see the object in every frame (nothing obscuring the motion)
  • Interesting physics content
  • Downloadable (some videos I can't "get off the web")
  • No repeating frames
  • Not badly interlaced (or would that be deinterlaced - I get confused)

This gives a max score of 8 points. I think it would be best to just apply this to a select portion of a video (not necessarily the whole thing). I will call this the VAS.

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