Rod Parsley's Holy War

Found this youtube video via Pam Spaulding. It's about Rod Parsley's Reformation Ohio and Center for Moral Clarity and their theocon agenda. The video is put out by Equality Ohio.

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Thanks for posting that video, Ed.

So Parsley actually calls for a theocracy in his book. How unsurprising. Too bad more people don't actually read his own words. I wonder how long it will take Evangelical Christians of reason to start speaking out against these Christ-hijacking thugs.

I'm going to send a donation to Equality Ohio now. I urge everyone else to do the same.

Skip said -
So Parsley actually calls for a theocracy in his book.

My pastor, a very conservative Christian, denounced Parsley, not just for being a theocrat - but because even though he claims a non-denominational bent it is only that if you deny your own churches dogma where it dissagrees with his own. So he really is pushing for a theocracy where everyone is a 'christian" in Parsley's own image.

It turns out that Rod Parsley lives about a mile from me. If you'd like to know a bit about his house, you can see the Fairfield County tax appraisal on it HERE. Just search on "Parcel Owner" and put in "parsley". He owns the property at 10720 Allen Road, and his parents own (bought for them by Parsley) the property at 10730 Allen Road.

What's that again about camels and eyes of needles?

So Rod owns a 5 BR / 5.5 BA $1M home. Is anyone surprised? And that his parents own a $1M home too?

How many pastors fleecing the flock does it take for people to realize that half of what these people say is calculated to bring in the most money for them?

His whole thing for years has been: seed, faith, harvest. You plant a monetary "seed" in his ministry, you have faith, and God will return it 100-fold, thus the "harvest".

I get more nauseated by the day with these people.

Pretty sure he's going to hell.

How many pastors fleecing the flock does it take for people to realize that half of what these people say is calculated to bring in the most money for them?

The problem is that a lot of people are used to hearing it in similar fashion in their own churches. And while there are a lot of crooks out there, for every one of them there are hundreds who are just keeping their churches afloat, many, like mine are barely afloat. Even churches that are in better financial health and bring in a surplus often use that surplus for legitamate purposes (legitamate in the eyes of the tithing Christian) such as helping the poor both here and abroad, missionary support and the like. These are expenditures that people who tithe and give expect that money to be used for. But while I don't begrudge a minister or other religious leader the right to own a home, even a decent one, this is just plain evil.

Um, help me out -- the display is a little odd, with the "Christian" flag on one side, and Ohio and the U.S. flag on the other -- but I think the U.S. flag may be displayed improperly. The U.S. flag generally should be on its own right. Anybody got a manual that shows such an odd flag configuration, and how it ought to work out? ::rushing to bookshelf to get flag display books . . .::

The first thing to pop in my mind when viewing Parsley's howling was the old grainy film of Hitler. Not trying to stop the commentary by referencing nazi's but the raised right arm, the black and white film and the very rhetorical tone was eerily and scarily familiar.