Katherine Harris Update

Here's the latest episode in Katherine Harris' months-long campaign to seize the title of America's most batshit crazy politician. Several members of the US House of Representatives were listed on her campaign website as having endorsed her candidacy for the Senate. The problem? None of them had done so.

Several members of the U.S. House called the Harris campaign to complain Wednesday after the St. Petersburg Times notified them of the endorsements listed on Harris' Web site. Minutes later, their names were removed.

The list of politicians whose names came down includes Reps. Ginny Brown-Waite of Brooksville, Cliff Stearns of Ocala, Mark Foley of West Palm Beach and Jeff Miller of the Panhandle.

Oops. And here's the funniest part:

Chris Ingram and Glenn Hodas, who both recently worked on the Harris campaign, said Harris told them to use the endorsements of members even if they hadn't confirmed their support in writing.

And here's the kicker:

Harris is considered the front-runner in the primary against retired Adm. LeRoy Collins, Orlando lawyer Will McBride and Safety Harbor developer Peter Monroe, who all announced their intent to run on the last day to qualify in May.

The winner faces Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson in November.

She's the front runner in the Republican primary. For crying out loud, what does this loony tune Stepford Wife have to do to lose that race, have her picture taken with Osama Bin Laden dancing on the grave of Mother Teresa while juggling aborted fetuses?


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By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 17 Aug 2006 #permalink

Here's the latest episode in Katherine Harris' months-long campaign to seize the title of America's most batshit crazy politician.

And you know the competition for that is pretty tough.

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 17 Aug 2006 #permalink

For crying out loud, what does this loony tune Stepford Wife have to do to lose that race, have her picture taken with Osama Bin Laden dancing on the grave of Mother Teresa while juggling aborted fetuses?

The Ann Coulter crowd would call that "brave" and "un-PC," laugh at their cutting-edge sense of humor, and congratulate themselves on how they'd done such a great job getting them godless libruls all worked up.

Florida is a pretty weird state, and old Kate is Queen of the weird. The State Republican Party has disavowed her candidacy, but the rank and file love her. I've met her several times and she throughly creeped me out to the point where I felt like I needed a bath to remove the sleeze.

Don't be surprised if she wins the primary. Also, expect the State GOP to back Nelson in November.

By Paul T. form Florida (not verified) on 17 Aug 2006 #permalink

You wroter: Here's the latest episode in Katherine Harris' months-long campaign to seize the title of America's most batshit crazy politician.

Damn it, Ed, when you post statements like that, someone one will for sure email it to Rep. Buttars and it reminds him that he has competition for the title, and he heads for the hopper on the House floor do drop another Buttars' Special in.

By flatlander100 (not verified) on 17 Aug 2006 #permalink

Damn it, Ed, when you post statements like that, someone one will for sure email it to Rep. Buttars and it reminds him that he has competition for the title...

Not to mention Roy Moore, and Larry Darby, and... I'll stop now; otherwise this could take all afternoon.

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 17 Aug 2006 #permalink

There's senator "tubes" Stevens, and congresswhack Cynthia "Race Card" McKinney. Oh, hell, the list just goes on, and on...

Jon Stewart says you'd pretty much have to strangle a kitten in front of crippled orphan children on live TV, or worse.

In Ohio we've got Ken Blackwell. Give him time people. Give him time.

Well, McKinney lost the primary race, despite support from rightwingers like Neil Boortz, a republican radio talker in Atlanta.

...you'd pretty much have to strangle a kitten in front of crippled orphan children on live TV, or worse.

Or, maybe just be accused, loudly and repeatedly, of supporting kitten strangling terrorists? Hey, it's worked before.

'In Ohio we've got Ken Blackwell. Give him time people. Give him time.'

Oh man don't remind me. Ken Blackwell, the Karl Rove of Ohio.