Connie Morris Blames Everyone Else

After losing her seat in last week's elections, outgoing Kansas school board member Connie Morris says it's everyone else's fault, not hers:

A conservative member of the Kansas State Board of Education claims the "lying liberal media" defeated her in last week's primary election. She and other conservative Republicans lost their 6-4 majority and control of the Board just nine months after voting to enact science standards that require critical analysis of evolution -- including scientific evidence refuting the theory -- in school classrooms statewide...

"The media assassinated me," Morris contends. "They did everything they could to ruin my character, my reputation. I wish I could go through all the stories to tell you how they were either blatant lies or gross misinterpretations of the facts," she says.

Also, the now unseated Republican incumbent asserts, opponents of Kansas' recently enacted science standards derailed her campaign, even as they similarly attacked other conservatives running for re-election. "We just had a lot coming against us," she explains, including "a lot of well-funded, loud, obnoxious, rude people who have no ethics and morals, and they don't bat an eye at lying and manipulating the truth."

And in related news, Cynthia McKinney says she lost her seat in Congress because of evil white people. The losers have to blame someone, right? Amusingly, Morris also pretends that her opponents were "well-funded", which is absolutely absurd. The DI and IDNet pumped enormous amounts of money into the campaign on her side. All our side could do was speak as often as possible in public. We couldn't afford to air campaign commercialsl ike they did. There was no funding from groups outside the state flowing in to the coffers of pro-science candidates. But we still won, and they still lost. And Morris seems to have lost her already tenuous grip on reality as a result.

Nor do such liberal opportunists mind "slandering people and harming their families and their reputation and their business and their communities and their state," Morris continues. "It's a shame," she adds. "It's a shame, and I feel bad for them when they face God on Judgment Day."

Although four born-again Christians remain on the State Board of Education, Morris believes the newly empowered liberal majority will waste no time adopting new science standards. In January, she says, when the new members are sworn in, the Board will likely rescind the existing standards and adopt new ones that "let government schools teach children that we are no more than chaotic, random mutants."

Isn't it funny how quickly the veneer of nonsense they spread over their position gets stripped off when they're angry? What did we hear over the last year of this campaign? Time and time again, we heard that the new science standards have nothing to do with religion. In fact, they weren't even anti-evolution, they just wanted "balance" and to "teach all the evidence." The moment they lose, that cheap coat of paint washed right off and we're back to complaining about those evil scientists teaching our kids that they're just animals, and we're back to "you're gonna burn in hell". But remember, this has nothing to do with religious anti-evolutionism, no way. And if you say it does, you're lying!

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Evidently MS Morris believes the political process shows no sign of intelligent design, but seems to be driven by chaotic random mutations.

"Chaotic, random mutants"?

Statements like this could not make it any more transparent than the the basis of the rabid resistence to the teaching of evolution is a fear that it will rob life of its meaning and human beings of their significance. I think that, just as much as clarifying the actual means and mechanisms by which evolution happens, a lot more work needs to be done in clarifying why evolution does not need to cause an existential crisis. Or maybe Connie Morris just needs to read Darwin's Dangerous Idea.

Wasn't she the one who objected to a picture of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? She has now been forcibly touched by His noodly appendage. Don't diss FSM.

"let government schools teach children that we are no more than chaotic, random mutants."

To be fair, how many people have been called this by their own mothers? Usually after breaking stuff? *raises hand*

"We just had a lot coming against us," she explains, including "a lot of well-funded, loud, obnoxious, rude people who have no ethics and morals, and they don't bat an eye at lying and manipulating the truth."

Heh. Projection, methinks. She should talk to her sky daddy about some of her obvious emotional issues. Oh, wait... that wouldn't actually help at all.

Connie is quoted as saying

Nor do such liberal opportunists mind "slandering people and harming their families and their reputation and their business and their communities and their state," Morris continues. "It's a shame," she adds. "It's a shame, and I feel bad for them when they face God on Judgment Day."

This is the same Connie Morris who accused the third-generation American mayor of Garden City, KS, of being an illegal immigrant. I don't feel bad for her when she faces the FSM on Leftovers Day.

C'mon, Connie - we're not just ORDINARY random chaotic mutants; after all we're the chaotic random mutants who invented Cheez Wiz, Slurpees, and religion

Having Xians and similar Ku-raZZZ! and baddies removed from power, without otherwise harning, punishing, or repressing them, is truly a joy, but I deeply pity for some of these people, like Connie M. (I suspect, though she may be another of those psychotically manipulative Xians who can pretend even to be honestly insane), who has evidently kept herself afloat by somehow grasping at enough sodden straws in her sea of madness and sorrow. Yet we all know there is absolutely nothing that can be done for her, except to keep her from harming unsuspecting innocents.
Pity or no, insanity and lies are not to be served up as valid positions, even in a democracy.

I love this line:

"I wish I could go through all the stories to tell you how they were either blatant lies or gross misinterpretations of the facts," she says.

But of course she won't because every inteligent blog on the internet would fisk her to pieces.

By camanintx (not verified) on 12 Aug 2006 #permalink

When I saw your title, "Connie Morris Blames Everyone Else", I instantly thought of Cynthia McKinney, so I'm glad to see you included her in your post.

Clearly, these women were the best possible candidates for their positions, and only an evil conspiracy can explain the fact that the voters rejected them. Yes, an evil conspiracy, backed by the same Darwinian fascists who are preventing ID supporters from producing any credible research.

I can attest that a school board member will actually tell another human that they will "burn in Hell" as I was told that by a member of the Grantsbug Wiscinsin school board when I brought up the fact that the board had made fools of themselves once again.

This is the same Connie Morris who accused the third-generation American mayor of Garden City, KS, of being an illegal immigrant.

Also from that article:

Meanwhile, Lawrence filmmaker Ranjit Arab said he is still waiting to hear whether the FBI had added him to any lists of suspicious people after Morris reported him to the agency.

Morris said she reported Arab because he was too aggressive seeking an interview with her.
Morris told Harris News Service reporter Sarah Kessinger in an article published in October that she had reported Arab to the FBI "to ward off any possible stalking or terroristic behavior."

Now if that isn't a case of "slandering people and harming their families and their reputation and their business..." I don't know what is. That woman is a total slime.

just a reminder to those out there who want to paint all Christians with the same brush that there were many times many Christians standing on the side of science in this fight.

It's easy to lump people together, but the groups here aren't "Christan v. others" it's "creationists v. science" let's try to keep that one straight. We're playing into their* persecution complex otherwise.

* in this case the "them" is creationists, not Christians

To be fair there are Christians standing on both sides of every issue. It happens often enough that one may think people think for themselves first and then their religion second.

Nothing wrong with that from my perspective.:-)

Kate wrote:

It's easy to lump people together, but the groups here aren't "Christan v. others" it's "creationists v. science" let's try to keep that one straight. We're playing into their* persecution complex otherwise.

Absolutely true.