Behe and Literature Bluffing in Kitzmiller

A reader emailed me a link to this post over at Dembski's blog, and I intended to reply to it today. Alas, Wes Elsberry beat me to it and probably did a better job than I would have done anyway.


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Once Behe testified that he was unfamiliar with a particular book or article they should have objected to any further reference to it or use of it.

My, but wouldn't that have been convenient?

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 11 Aug 2006 #permalink

If I'm ever on trial for murder, I hope I get BarryA for a judge.

Mr. Evans, isn't this the gun you used to shoot the victim in the head?

What? I'm not familiar with that gun.



This is so easy! I can't wait to kill someone else!

My own personal standard is that if I don't have to be talked into participation then it must be a game.

By Jeff Rients (not verified) on 11 Aug 2006 #permalink

Ack! I put my comment on the wrong post! So sorry!

By Jeff Rients (not verified) on 11 Aug 2006 #permalink

On a related matter -- this is too funny to have been scripted:

Official Cries Foul as Liberals Take Over Kansas Education Board
Agape Press, August 11, 2006
Incumbent Connie Morris, a conservative member of the Kansas State Board, of Education claims the "lying liberal media" defeated her in last week's primary election ... the now unseated Republican incumbent asserts, opponents of Kansas' recently enacted science standards derailed her campaign, even as they similarly attacked other conservatives running for re-election. "We just had a lot coming against us," she explains, including "a lot of well-funded, loud, obnoxious, rude people who have no ethics and morals, and they don't bat an eye at lying and manipulating the truth."
Nor do such liberal opportunists mind "slandering people and harming their families and their reputation and their business and their communities and their state," Morris continues. "It's a shame," she adds. "It's a shame, and I feel bad for them when they face God on Judgment Day."
Although four born-again Christians remain on the State Board of Education, Morris believes the newly empowered liberal majority will waste no time adopting new science standards. In January, she says, when the new members are sworn in, the Board will likely rescind the existing standards and adopt new ones that "let government schools teach children that we are no more than chaotic, random mutants."

chaotic, random mutants.

That might make a good name for a rock band.

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 11 Aug 2006 #permalink

Good article, Rhampton.

Gee, Ms. Morris, tell us how you really feel. She claims the other side has bad-mouthed her when she's condemning them to HELL?

And while I don't consider myself to be a chaotic, random mutant, I'm not sure why it should unduly bruise my self-esteem if I did. Is she planning to start a Chapter of Planned Mutanthood ("Every mutant a planned mutant")?