Gotta love that religious right logic (scroll to the bottom):
Marriott Hotels has banned smoking from their rooms -- now Concerned Women for America is wondering when the chain is going to ban another health hazard: pay-per-view pornography. "We've been after Marriott for years to stop providing pay-per-view porn," says Jan LaRue, CWA's chief counsel. "But their excuse is that 'some' customers want it."
Imagine that, a company having to "excuse" offering a product that some of their customers want. Wait, aren't conservatives all for the free market? Their rhetoric says so; reality says otherwise. And what exactly is the health hazard to hotel room porn, carpal tunnel syndrome? Maybe they think it actually does cause blindness.
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They talk a good 'conservative' line, but all they're really conserving is ignorance and bigotry.
Wait, aren't conservatives all for the free market? Their rhetoric says so; reality says otherwise.
Politics isn't a one dimensional street, it has 3 axis. Fiscal Conservative / Fiscal Liberal, Authoritarian / Libertarian, and Dove / Hawk. Fiscal conservatives are against big government and regulations. Social conservatives want a big brother government in order to enforce their view of morality. The government can't have enough powers at its disposal to ensure that people are doing bad things.
The two philosophies don't really go together that well except for one thing, something that all die hard Republicans have to bind them together, an all encompasing hatred for Democrats.
I've become increasingly aware that statements about the negative effects of porn on the viewer are really and truly BS. Unless one sits in front of a tv/computer 14 hours a day and loses ones livelyhood spanking the monkey I think the negative effects are pretty overblown.
And I say this as a person who doesn't see much porn and surfs the net alot. No person will ever prefer porn to real sex and I am doubtful that porn lovers turn into rapists simply because most of America looks at the stuff in one form or another.
Actually, if one is not careful it can cause blindness - at temporarily.
I think the negative effects are pretty overblown.
Overblown? Heh heh, heh heh, heh heh, he said overblown.
This cautionary tale has been brought to you by the Citizens Against Naughty Bits (CANaBis). If you see anybody's Naughty Bits, you might respond in an immature manner similar to this post.
Well, in that cast, don't go read Douglas Groothuis' comment on his "Letter about pornography": at theconstructivecurmudgeonDOTblogspotDOTcom/
The answer is obvious, when you think like a fundamentalist: Pornography is a spiritual health hazard. It works the same way as the religious right-infiltrated VA, which is now including assessments of "spiritual injury" in its patient evaluations.
If they want the porn gone, I think the hotels should also remove all those bibles in each room. Maybe some nutjob will read one and leave the next morning thinking it's OK to rape his sister or murder his non-religious neighbor.
Well, I hear tell that every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten. Dead kittens are never good, so maybe that's their logic. They just forgot to specify exactly whoes health was at risk.
"Wait, aren't conservatives all for the free market?"
This reminds me of the running debate Andrew Sullivan has with a number of people over the definition of the word "conservative". We need to not let these people simply redefine the language. What these people are trying to do is Orwellian. The "neo-cons" and "social-conservatives" are reactionaries. They completely fit the definition of the word and we should not let them get away with pretending otherwise.