Conservative Essay Generator Product?

I've talked before about how easily one could put together a conservative essay generator, similar to the postmodern essay generator, that would crank out volumes of buzzword-laden prose that makes no sense whatsoever. I think perhaps someone has already written one and this piece at the Worldnutdaily is the result. It's just loaded with the kind of non sequiturs that the religious right is so famous for. He's complaining, mind you, about a comic book with a lesbian superhero and how this constitutes discrimination against Christians:

Even the people who make our children's comic books are taking up the PC banner. A DC Comics spokesperson confirmed just the other day that the comic book heroine Batwoman is going to make a comeback as a "lipstick lesbian" who moonlights as a crime fighter...

Of course, what all this talk about "diversity," "inclusion" and "pluralism" really means is that Bible-believing Christians and traditional conservatives are excluded and discriminated against...

Ultimately, all this "cultural diversity" on TV, in movies and, now, in comic books is nothing more than multicultural fascism. Multicultural fascism is a neo-Marxist form of Christophobic bigotry and hatred.

Alan Sokal, call your office.

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Some people have had such a monopoly on "bigotry and hatred" that they fear their monopoly will be overthrown; they're even making shit up to make it seem like they have to fight to hold on to it!

I read the WND article and I'm still laughing. Does that idiot really believe the U.S. had as a founding principle, "The Bible judges right and wrong because it is a historical, verifiable revelation from God"? If he had even a nodding acquaintance with American history, he'd know that many clergymen bitterly attacked the Constitution during the ratification process, precisely because it gave no special status or recognition to God or Christianity, and that multiple attempts to add favorable mentions of God and Jesus to the Constitution were beaten back. The ignorance of these people is unparalleled.

I searched the essay for an explanation of how the existence of a lesbian character in a comic book constitutes discrimination against Christians, but in vain. Evidently this is another symptom of how fundamentalist Christians define their religion in such a way as to include them forcing it upon others, and then shriek about persecution when they are not allowed to do this.

LOL that makes me want to start writing ridiculous fake articles for Wingnutdaily, and at some point down the road expose the charade and have a good laugh.

Apparently any character that does not live up to conservative Christian values is an attack on Christianity and society in general. However, I might not mind seeing WND's revamped comic line. The X-Men discuss how the Intelligent Designer gave them the ability to lift five tons. Batman reads Ecclesiastes in his cave. Superman gives speeches thanking Jesus for dying not only for the sins of humanity but for the sins of Kryptonians too.

By Irrational Entity (not verified) on 13 Jun 2006 #permalink

Excuse me please Irrational Entry - Ixsnay on the Atmanbay. I don't think that's Ecclesiastics Batman is reading to Robin in his cave... I think it's more Jack Keroac, while listening to Elton John, if you know what I mean. Plus, Batman has a cape, tights, good abs. Not the usual right wing nut job look. Unless of course you count the Pat Robertson "hard-body" leg press miracle...Praise Jesus!

Oh but of course it's discrimination! After all, there's only one "community church super-hero" (I guess they forgot Ned Flanders?), and everyone knows if your church is part of a denomination, its not really Christian...[/sarcasm]

Even the people who make our children's comic books are taking up the PC banner.

Not suprisingly, this quote shows a complete disconnect with the history and marketing of comics. First of all, comics have seen controversial issues-based characters going back at least as far as the 60's, with explicitly gay characters in mainstream comics represented, albeit ham-handedly, for over a decade. Here's the Uruguayan Gamer with a ranty but brief glimpse at the phenomenon. Secondly, children have not been the target demographic for the majority of comics since at least the late eighties. The average comic buyer is a straight white male in his late twenties or early thirties and most material is designed to sell to that group.

By Jeff Rients (not verified) on 13 Jun 2006 #permalink

Jeff Rients wrote:

The average comic buyer is a straight white male in his late twenties or early thirties and most material is designed to sell to that group.

You forgot "who lives in his parents' basement". Sorry, I couldn't resist - as perhaps the only non-gamer, non-comic book reader and non-sci fi geek associated with scienceblogs, I reserve the right to take one cheap shot like this every calendar year. Twice if it involves Star Drek.

"the comic book heroine Batwoman is going to make a comeback"

Shouldn't this be "Moonbatwoman"?

The fact that WorldNut Daily appears to be the pipeline from which the Gonna Stoppers (that's STACLU to U) devour and regurgitate 90% of of their raw sewage explains a lot.

all this talk about "diversity," "inclusion" and "pluralism" really means is that Bible-believing Christians and traditional conservatives are excluded and discriminated against.

That is the part that is not just nutty, but dangerous. Anything that deviates in the slightest from their beliefs is exclusionary and disriminatory. Wackos.

Even so, I am somewhat encouraged by the attitude. Until recently, the Xtian right has had pretty good success ramming their beliefs down everyone else's throat. Resistance is beginning to stiffen, I think, and this is the reaction. It will be interesting to see where it goes from here. Hopefully, they'll crawl back into their churches and leave the rest of us alone.

Ed Brayton wrote:

You forgot "who lives in his parents' basement".

I resent that remark. I moved out of Mom's basement years ago. I now proudly type this from my very own basement.

So there!

........never mind.

By NJ Osprey (not verified) on 15 Jun 2006 #permalink