6-6-06: The Number of the Superstitious and Ignorant

Am I the only one who has heard more than enough about tomorrow being 6-6-6 on the calendar? They're releasing the new Omen movie tomorrow to take advantage of that date. Ann Coulter is releasing her new book tomorrow as well, which only goes to prove that she really is the devil (I've had my suspicions for years). And there are reports of pregnant women who are supposed to deliver soon demanding c-sections to be done today to avoid giving birth on this allegedly important date. For crying out loud, how freaking stupid are people? Even if you believe that hallucinatory nonsense about the anti-christ and 666, that has nothing whatsoever to do with the date of June 6, 2006. If you're really afraid that your child will be demonic if they're born on a certain day, you're too stupid to have children.


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Because the people having fun with it aren't included in the stupid category mentioned above.

We should keep an eye out for the names of babies born on this day. Who wants to bet that a form of Damien will shoot up 1000%?

You'd think that if there were any date with numerological significance it would be in the Jewish calendar, not the Gregorian one. The sight of so many protestants making a fuss about a date determined by a pope is quite funny.

By Ginger Yellow (not verified) on 05 Jun 2006 #permalink

I'm flying across the Atlantic tomorrow. Hope Satan doesn't possess the pilot!

The Omen thing is marketing, and marketers do crap like this on a daily basis. If it sells (and legal), you go with it! Apparently the movie is a bad copy of the original, which was none too great in the first place, so they need all the help they can get. Can't go wrong on betting on the gullibility and stupidity of some.

Coulter is a shrill whining hack who never actually says anything. But again, you don't go far wrong financially by pandering to the stupid.

The baby thing is just plain ridiculous. I'm sorry, but having a c-section for reasons of convenience is just plain wrong. No better for reasons of stupidity.

To me that day represents the mainly the 62nd anniversary of the Normandy invasion. That's at least a real reason to mark the day.

Silly people, don't they remeber the news that the number is really 616? The 'day of the beast' as it where was last Thursday.

I would suggest to outlaw stupidity, but it wouldn't help with the US incarceration rates you wrote in your previous post.

If you're really afraid that your child will be demonic if they're born on a certain day, you're too stupid to have children.

Unfortunately, that just doesn't seem to be the case.

Silly people, don't they remeber the news that the number is really 616? The 'day of the beast' as it where was last Thursday.

No it wasn't. It was in January.

By Major Bloodnok (not verified) on 05 Jun 2006 #permalink

Here's how I will be celebrating 6/6/6 ->

From the National Day of Slayer Organization.

Official Statement on Participation

Listen to Slayer at full blast in your car.
Listen to Slayer at full blast in your home.
Listen to Slayer at full blast at your place of employment.
Listen to Slayer at full blast in any public place you prefer.

DO NOT use headphones! The objective of this day is for everyone within earshot to understand that it is the National Day of Slayer. National holidays in America aren't just about celebrating; they're about forcing it upon non-participants.

I'm flying across the Atlantic tomorrow. Hope Satan doesn't possess the pilot!

Heck, I've got exams tomorrow, and I'm certain that Satan has possessed the examiners...

I have tomorrow off, and I don't live all that far from Hell, so I might just have to head over there. I'm not much of a Slayer fan, but I could listen to Iron Maiden's "Number of the Beast" all day long!

If I had been thinking ahead, I would have PLANNED my pregnancy to be as close to around that due date as possible. How fun would that be, getting all the Christ Critters all in a bunch?


You have a 6 year old who uses the word "minion". I think you've already got at least one child possessed by Satan.

Trust me: Ann Coulter isn't the devil. She may have pattern nightmares involving Sigourney Weaver, a forklift, and an open airlock, but implying that she's Satan also implies that she once used to be an angel before God kicked her into Hell. That's too presumptuous of her importance in the scheme of the universe, even for her.


"We believe that the plans the enemy has for this date (June 6, 2006) will be destroyed through violent worship and praise. We are inviting the entire world to be part of this huge unity project," it says on its website www.ambasmin.org.

Hopefully, if enough people do some really hard praying, nothing too serious will happen tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed, people.

I happen to like the original Omen movie and I am looking forward to the remake. Yes, the timing is pure marketing, but I still like the idea. I have a child on the way, and if it's a boy, Damien sounds like a good name. :D

Yeah, but what's the stardate?

Coulter's column is at times very witty, even funny if you lay down your politics before entering.


The funny thing is, today isn't even 6/6/6. it's 6/6/2006. we're just too lazy to write the 20 each time. the fear over today is basically caused by human laziness. today is no scarier than june 6, 1006.

Yeah, I never quite got that. 6/6/06 isn't 666, it's 6,606. Since when is that the number of the Beast, even if that was 666 not 616? All of this happened 1340 years ago! Get with the program people; even if you're post-millennial, you're 340 years into ... well, whatever's supposed to happen after the millennium according to that version of the fantasy.

What's particularly annoying is that when Revelation was written, Arabic numerals didn't exist. 666 would have looked like DCLXVI, which is nothing like today's date.

By Andrew Reeves (not verified) on 06 Jun 2006 #permalink