McFaul on Witt's Dishonesty

Joe McFaul is also critiquing Jonathan Witt's (latest) highly dishonest response to Judge Jones' ruling in Dover and he's found another, incredibly blatant lie by Witt. Witt wrote:

For instance, Jones suggests that the design argument began with St. Thomas in the Middle Ages. This was part of the judge's attempt to depict intelligent design as fundamentally Christian. The problem is that the design argument dates back much further, to the pagan philosophers Socrates and Plato.

And McFaul compares this to what Judge Jones actually said:

We initially note that John Haught, a theologian who testified as an expert witness for Plaintiffs and who has written extensively on the subject of evolution and religion, succinctly explained to the Court that the argument for ID is not a new scientific argument, but is rather an old religious argument for the existence of God. He traced this argument back to at least Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century.

Do these guys ever stop lying?


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Do these guys ever stop lying?

I have a vague memory of reading a technique suggested to people who hear voices: "Close your mouth."

But the design argument DOES go back farther thatn Thomas Aquinas.

So who are you trying to kid here?

By Christensen (not verified) on 20 May 2006 #permalink

Christensen wrote:

But the design argument DOES go back farther thatn Thomas Aquinas. So who are you trying to kid here?

Of course the design argument goes back farther than Aquinas. I didn't deny that, nor did Judge Jones. Witt simply lied when he said so.