Responses to the Jesus Cartoons

If you're looking for a really amusing response to the Jesus cartoons, look no further than this column by Kevin McCullough at the Worldnutdaily. Unlike Donohue, he doesn't attempt to censor the paper; he figures God will do that when he sends those blasphemers to hell. Good for a chuckle or two.

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Wow, directly under this quote by McCullough--

'They no doubt think that true Christians believe that "sex is bad." '

A blogad that stated "Modest is Hottest" appeared. Oh the irony.

"He had emotions, inclinations, desires and even temptations as a teen, yet He never crossed the line into immorality."

Interesting. How does he know? Not a word about Jesus as a teen was ever written.

And did Jesus not say that lust itself was a sin?

By John Cercone (not verified) on 28 Apr 2006 #permalink

"This is what Godless students do: They mock, scorn, attack and denigrate ... God"

What's interesting here is that the believer misses the mark when they see public ridicule of their beliefs. They take it to mean that it is their *god* that is being ridiculed, mocked or scorned. In reality, it is *they* that are the target, particularly if said ridicule comes from atheists who don't even accept that there is a god to scorn or make fun of.

McCullogh plugs his book near the end of the article, but not before saying he was "certain that Jesus had erections." Somewhere there's a joke about John, a loaf of bread under robes, and whether or not Jesus was happy to see him, but I'll exercise the chapter theme of McCullogh's up-comming book and "restrain" myself.

OK, who's more confused, McCullogh or the author or authors of the gospel of Matthew?

Matthew 5:22

But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, 'Raca' is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell.

Matthew 23:17

You blind fools! Which is greater: the gold, or the temple that makes the gold sacred?

Both are quotes attributed to Jesus. Take from it what you will, but it would appear plain to me from the text that, contrary to Mr. McCullogh's opinion, Jesus did indeed sin at least once and the author(s) of Matthew recorded it. Then again, maybe it's due to crappy editing. If that be true, then how much of the rest is in error? How much was simply made up?

Tossing in the umpteenth shot at Dan Brown's "Di Vinci Code" was predictable. What is it about FICTION that these people have such a problem with? It's a fictional account you dopes! Get over it! Then again if one basis their world view on fiction it only makes sense that they would have trouble separating it from fact.

They even went so far as to show Jesus with a sexual erection - as a way to throw fuel on the flames. would've been ok if Jesus had a non-sexual erection?

Depicting Christ having an erection is not blasphemy. According to Christian theology, Jesus was a man and he was capable of having one. It would be blasphemous to depict him having sex, probably. But not having an erection, it would be as blasphemous as depicting Jesus sneezing.

By Roman Werpachowski (not verified) on 28 Apr 2006 #permalink