Bible Curriculum Press Conference

The National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools, publishers of the horrid bible curriculum that I've discussed so much recently, has scheduled a press conference in Washington tomorrow to defend its curriculum against Mike Chancey's scathing criticisms. Their press release announcing the conference is titled:

Chuck Norris and his Wife Gena to Speak at Press Conference on Bible Course in Public Schools

Well that should be exciting. Maybe we'll get lucky and the guy who played Screech will stop by to lend his expertise to the subject.

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Chuck Norris, that's great. Do you really want a guy stared in "Walker Texas Ranger" and countless other atrocious projects as a spokesman? I can't wait to see clips of this. Hopefully it will be as funny as Kirk Cameran and all that Left Behind nonsense.

By Chris Berez (not verified) on 08 Sep 2005 #permalink

Of course Chuck Norris. I mean, when you want passion and sincerity, how could you do better than the wooden countenance and monosylabic stylings of that noted thespian, Chuck Norris?

"Thank you Chuck Norris!" - Vince Vaughn in Dodgeball

"Chuck Norris and his Wife Gena..."

Gosh, all this time I thought he was married to Christy Brinkley. Just shows how little I pay attention to this stuff.

What part of the separation of church and state do these morons not get? Public schools are supposed to remain nuetral. And when you really look at the bible, it's a very violent (all the mass genocide in the Old Testiment), repressive (humans are evil scum that deserve Hell because of one mistake two naked people who had no knowledge of right or wrong so we better give our hearts and minds to God), and scientificly inaccurate book (they believed the earth was flat). Besides not everyone is a Christian and they risk alienating a lot of students because of this.