Goodbye, Mr. Sandefur

Timothy Sandefur has decided to leave the world of blogging, I am sad to report. Now that he is preparing to wed the lovely Erin and owns his own home (one can almost visualize the honey do list), the time and energy he has to devote to Freespace has dwindled and he has decided to cash in his chips. He signs off with a typically passionate defense of liberty:

My final message is to always love your freedom, and fight for it with all you can. It is the rarest, and most precious, possession on earth. Without freedom, no other joys are meaningful; no victory is worthy; no riches are wealth; no tomorrows make a future. The right to speak and think and believe and study and work and earn and keep and buy and sell and be what you are, as you want, on your own terms, as an individual worthy to make choices, are beyond any treasures that so-called benefactors might offer you in trade.

Hear, hear. I will miss Timothy's writing very much (but take hope, there is a possible plan in the works to lure him back on a part time basis). He was one of the very first blogs I linked to when I started a year and a half ago, and he was one of the first to link to me as well. From the start, we immediately had an intellectual affinity despite some obvious (and public) disagreements. He is brilliant, extraordinarily well read, passionate about freedom, sometimes cantankerous (not that I can relate to that, eh?) and always challenging. Over the course of the last year and a half, we've become friends and I hope that doesn't change. But his writing will sorely be missed.


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Very interesting to pen a passionate piece on liberty as he willingly gives up his own.

Well said Mr. S. Well said, and good luck.

A friend sent me this website this afternoon, and in reading through it i realized how Sandefur's input would have been most helpful in gaining a fuller understanding of the intents and foundational principles contained therein.

the definitions and axioms regarding the ecological lens are particularly interesting.

While I disagreed vehemently with Mr. Sandefur's postion on the current administration and its actions in the Middle East, as well as not "getting" the libertarian position entirely, he is one of the best writers that I have seen in the blogosphere (that group includes you, Ed, as well.) Mr. Sandefur is clearly intelligent and principled and he will be missed.

OGeorge: Not a well timed "joke," I'm afraid. A good marriage is an opportunity for tremendous liberty.

I wasn't kidding.

Sandefur is one of the very few conservatives who seems to think things through, especially on the legal side. I regret to see him close down the shop!

By Ed Darrell (not verified) on 28 May 2005 #permalink

Sad. But, I suspect that, like the Terminator he'll be back

And, yes, I'm trying to be funny