Follow Up on the Newsweek Story

As a follow up on the story about Newsweek and In the Agora, Radley Balko of The Agitator has publicly distanced himself from the equation of Agora with Powerline as well. He writes:

But it's not quite accurate. The column notes the Schiavo memo controversy, and says I've called for Powerline and In the Agora to "eat crow."

Almost. While I do think Josh Claybourn may have been wearing ideological blinders, and been a little too eager to find comfirmation for his hunch that the Schiavo memo was written by Democrats, I also think he handled himself very well when he discovered he was mistaken. He immediately posted a correction and an apology. Josh is also generally a thoughtful, well-written, well-argued pundit. I enjoy reading him.

Powerline? Eh, let's just say they're none of those things.

Nice to see Balko set the record straight on that. It's just absurd to compare In the Agora with Powerline.

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