Those Damn Non-Activist Judges!

Orin Kerr of the Volokh Conspiracy reports an interesting fact: every single judge appointed by either Reagan, Bush 41 or Bush 43 has voted against Terri's parents in this case. Judge Greer, the original trial judge who controls the case, is himself a fairly conservative Christian. Do you think the folks on the other side would give even a moment's thought to the possibility that all of these conservative judges who have actually seen the evidence might know something they don't? Of course not.

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Is Judge Greer the one who had to leave his church because all the christians there were so violently opposed to his legal ruling?

By Mark Paris (not verified) on 25 Mar 2005 #permalink

Yes, he was getting a lot of harrassment, apparently. He's had lots of threats made and now requires police protection to get to and from the courthouse. Which makes sense, with those who disagree with him being "pro-life" and all.

Orin Kerr of the Volokh Conspiracy reports an interesting fact: every single judge appointed by either Reagan, Bush 41 or Bush 43 has voted against Terri's parents in this case.

Maybe, but I wouldn't put it that way. One might say that all of the judges who were appointed by Reagan and the Bushes who heard the case voted against the parents' claim. But I would hesitate to suggest that all of the judges who were appointed by Reagan and the Bushes heard the case, which is what Kerr's post suggests.

According to reports, Judge Greer, the Republican, Southern Baptist trial judge in the case, has had death threats from the christian Taliban. It's unfortunate that judges get death threats from people for doing their sworn duty to follow and apply the law as it was written. Maybe next the christian Taliban will swear out death threats to those who actually write the law. Things might get "interesting" in the US if that ever happens.

Maybe, but I wouldn't put it that way. One might say that all of the judges who were appointed by Reagan and the Bushes who heard the case voted against the parents' claim. But I would hesitate to suggest that all of the judges who were appointed by Reagan and the Bushes heard the case, which is what Kerr's post suggests.
Blame my poor wording rather than Professor Kerr's. He did say all of those judges who had reviewed the case, not obviously every judge appointed. Which is what I meant as well, but didn't make clear.

Ed, no problem. I knew that the (possibly) poor wording can from Mr. Kerr. But the Volokh site doesn't usually allow for comments.

And Bush wants more of these judges. I hope the democrats get some moderates in as judges. This is what American's left in Europe when they came here.