Explore the Rest of the Neighborhood

I've been busy today so I haven't had time to write anything, so you all should be out exploring this little corner of the blog neighborhood. Specifically, you should be stopping in at Jason Kuznicki's place to see this post where he fisks the latest ridiculous idea from the religious wrong. And when you're done there, you should head over to Jon Rowe's pad and check out his take on the role of religion in the Declaration of Independence. And while you're there, you should probably steal some of his cookies too.

Update: Thanks to Steve Sanders, who just emailed me to tell me that he has posted the brief filed by Americans United For Separation of Church and State and People for the American Way in the ten commandments case pending before the Supreme Court. You should definitely check that out as well.


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Oops! That WAS a link you already posted. My apologies. I came here right from there and didn't read your post closely enough.

Must click first...


By Captain Sunshine (not verified) on 17 Dec 2004 #permalink