Happy Birthday to Me

Today is my 37th birthday, as Lynn's comment on the previous post revealed, so I think I'll take the rest of the day off from my grueling blog work. Besides that, I feel like crap and I keep having coughing fits. Oh well, life is good anyway. Thanks to my readers for sharing their ideas with me over the last year and to Lynn for bringing me so much joy.

Postscript: Of all the strange coincidences....today is also Timothy Sandefur's birthday. I had no idea. Happy Birthday, Mr. Sandefur. I went to school with a girl who was born on the exact same day I was, about 2 hours apart both in time and distance. At my 10 year class reunion (which the precociously young Mr. Sandefur will probably be experiencing this year) I found out that she had married a pentecostal minister and already had 5 children. So much for astrology!

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Happy Birthday Ed! Get rid of the damn cough and live another 90 or so.

I'm surprised you haven't commented on John Stewart's appearance on CNN show Crossfire yet. It's been floating around the internet yesterday. The general consensus is that he killed, and I'd agree.

Here's the only internet feed I was able to find, in case you didn't get to see it:


By Matthew Phillips (not verified) on 16 Oct 2004 #permalink

Happy birthday from the west coast, hours late because of the time zones. Ever thought that blogging-related stress might be the cause of your health woes?

Nah, me neither.

Thirty Seven? Bah, you're a mere child, a lack-beard, a punk kid. Wait till you're thirty nine like me then you'll have gained some maturity, some wisdom.

Happy Birthday Ed!

By Troy Britain (not verified) on 16 Oct 2004 #permalink

Happy Birthday Ed. I've only been reading you for a few months now, but this is one of my favorite places to read every day. Have a great celebration, and I hope you feel better soon.

By Chris Berez (not verified) on 16 Oct 2004 #permalink

Congrats on making it through another year!

There are so many things I would like to write here but Ed knows what is in my heart.

Happy Birthday, Ed! How 'bout them Spartans???

Hi Ed,

Happy Birthday you whippersnapper you.

And as for your comments on Canada's 'anti-hate laws'....no flu vaccine for you my friend. *L*

Matthew - There's also a transcript of the Stewart appearance on Crossfire (if of slightly dubious accuracy) at CNN.

A belated Happy Birthday, Ed :-)

from one of your devoted readers

PS you're right... our gov't in Canada is so concerned with Politically Correctness that they have forgotten about personal freedom. Have you ever listened to CBC... they now refer to fishermen as "fishers"

BTW there are videos of the Stewart bit on Crossfire at Media Matters:

Happy birthday, Ed! Librans, you know, are generally regarded as the most intelligent and attractive of all the zodiacal signs.

What's funny about that is that for a second there I thought, "Holy cow, do I really have a reader who believes in astrology?" Then I saw who the comment was from and cracked up. I'm guessing you must have an October birthday too? LOL

It just so happens that I am also a Libra, yes. But who are we to naysay the findings of the astrological sciences?