Cheney Continues to Lie

Not satisfied with having his spokesperson lie for him, Dick Cheney has decided to jump into the fray and lie on his own behalf:

"I did not say if Kerry is elected, we will be hit by a terrorist attack," Cheney told the newspaper, according to a story prepared for Friday's editions. "Whoever is elected president has to anticipate more attacks. My point was the question before us is: Will we have the most effective policy in place to deal with that threat? George Bush will pursue a more effective policy than John Kerry."

No, Dick, you're lying again. Let's replay your actual words:

"It's absolutely essential that eight weeks from today, on Nov. 2, we make the right choice, because if we make the wrong choice then the danger is that we'll get hit again and we'll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States."

You did not say that either Bush or Kerry would have to deal with the threat of another attack, you made an if/then statement - IF we make the wrong choice on Nov 2nd (voting for Kerry, in context), THEN we'll be in danger of another attack. Your later statement may be what you wish you had said instead of the assanine thing you did say, but you still said it. Why not be a man and admit you said something you wish you hadn't and just retract it? Why continue to tell a lie that no one with an IQ above brussel sprouts is going to buy? Oh, that's right. Because you're a politician; hence, a liar.


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It's revolting, isn't it?
They lie constantly:

Halliburton (Cheney denies Iraq contract involvement); Iraq (why we went); economic policy (casting Bush as a conservative who will cut spending); Bush's military service (when/where).

It's reflexive. They screw up and then lie about it. It'd be nice to see them admit a mistake, just once.

Cheney's going to eat his words when Bush wins and the terrorists hit us again, which they will.

No, he won't eat his words. If Bush gets elected and we get hit again then he told the truth.

You see, if Bush gets elected we will have made the wrong choice.

Just think. Three thousan years a people called Sakyamuni - The Great Prevaricator.

Unfortunately, today's Christians seem to be making their own master out to be a liar. Were Jesus here today, he'd be stricken with grief.

By Guitar Eddie (not verified) on 10 Sep 2004 #permalink

Any politicians who have the gall to wonder why Americans treat politics with such cynicism should shut the hell up right now.

With representatives of their breed like Cheney running around with both feet planted squarely in his mouth in his efforts to backpeddle, why shouldn't people be cynical about the electoral process? Why take any of it seriously when so many of them come off as lying, self-serving scumbags and are no longer even making an effort to adequately disguise the fact?

By Chris Krolczyk (not verified) on 10 Sep 2004 #permalink

Yeah! If most politicans are going to be slime, self-serving and two faced, they should at least be genuine about it.

So why aren't they?

The most interesting thing that Cheney quotation is that no one in the audience reacted when he said it. At all.

By TheTachyix (not verified) on 10 Sep 2004 #permalink

Cheney may have a point. We (well, enough of us) made the wrong choice in 2000, and the US was hit.