Zell Miller vs Zell Miller

From his speech three days ago:

Twenty years of votes can tell you much more about a man than 20 weeks of campaign rhetoric...For more than 20 years, on every one of the great issues of freedom and security, John Kerry has been more wrong, more weak and more wobbly than any other national figure...As a senator, he voted to weaken our military.

From his speech 3 years ago:

My job tonight is an easy one: to present to you one of this nation's authentic heroes, one of this party's best-known and greatest leaders - and a good friend...John has worked to strengthen our military, reform public education, boost the economy and protect the environment.

I'll happily point out that his rhetoric of 3 years ago was just as false and overblown as his rhetoric of 3 days ago. When I read about his speech in all the blogs yesterday, I thought they were probably exaggerating how vile it was. After seeing the footage of the speech and his interviews on CNN and MSNBC afterwards, I think they may have understated the case a bit. This guy has gone completely off the deep end. Survey says....thorazine.

Watching the video, I was waiting for him to say, "It you will not join us, young Skywalker, then...you shall DIE." Did he not look exactly like the dark side emperor in Star Wars? Frightening.

Many people have made comparisons between his speech and Pat Buchanan's address at the 1992 Republican Convention, and the comparison is apt. Like Buchanan's speech, the immediate reaction of the delegates was wild applause, and the reaction of the conservative media was to applaud the speech as exactly what the Republicans needed. A day later, when they saw how the public reacted to it, they backpeddled fast and realized it was a mistake. The same thing happened here. It was lauded by the pundits, the delegates roared in approval, but within 24 hours, the party was running in the other direction as fast as they could. Miller was supposed to be in the family box during Bush's address last night, but plans were quickly changed to get him out of the spotlight. Suddenly the talking point became, "Hey, he doesn't represent the Republican party, he's a Democrat." All quite amusing to watch.


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Thorazine will just Mr. Miller more delusional. I would suggest Rohypnol, instead.

By Guitar Eddie (not verified) on 03 Sep 2004 #permalink

How can you tell when a politician is lying? His lips are moving.

By Perry Willis (not verified) on 03 Sep 2004 #permalink

While I usually try to refrain from frivilous commenting, I must refrence every able-bodied person to watch the Daily Show with Jon Stewart tonight. They run a new episode at 11 (pacific time at least...I don't know what the rest of the world functions on) and then last night's episode at 11:30. Last night, they covered Zell Miller's outbursts, they covered him well.
What ever happened to the long arm of chivalry anyways?

By TheTachyix (not verified) on 03 Sep 2004 #permalink

Half-way through the speech, I was waiting for Zell to howl at the moon.

The amazing thing was that The Daily Show came up with the "he's a Democrat" line as a joke.

But judging from Bush's bounce, apparently this crap is what really works, in which case it's a pretty solid proof that evil is stronger than good, people are basically rotten and all human endeavor is worthless. We really ought to just give up and kill ourselves. ***THIS IS A JOKE TOO***