Has France Lost Its Mind?

The lower house of France's parliament has voted to outlaw "signs and dress that conspicuously show the religious affiliation" of students in French public schools. The AP reports:

The measure, which would outlaw conspicuous religious clothing and symbols in classrooms, was approved 494-36. It goes to the Senate, where little opposition was expected, in early March.

I've been watching this story build from afar in total astonishment. I don't know anything about the French constitution (assuming they have one)...have they no provision for religious freedom at all? What on earth makes them think that the government should have authority to order people to stop wearing clothing that they believe their religion mandates? What's next, ordering Sikh men to shave off their beards? This is insanity, made all the more so by the ridiculous rationalizations they offer for it.

French leaders hope a law will quell the debate over head scarves that has divided France since 1989, when two young girls were expelled from their school in Creil, outside Paris, for wearing head scarves. Scores more have been expelled since then.

Let me get this straight....they hope to "quell debate" over expelling students for wearing head scarves as part of their religious identity...by passing a law to expell students for wearing head scarves as part of their religious identity. Yeah, that oughta do it. But wait, there's more:

The government argues that a law is needed to protect France's secular traditions and to diminish rising Islamic fundamentalism.

What's the french word for "moronic"? Do they really think that violating the rights of Muslims is going to "diminish rising Islamic fundamentalism"? If anything, it's going to do exactly the opposite. It's going to convince Muslims all the more that they are at war with civil (i.e. non-Muslim) society and will only serve to further radicalize the Muslim community and marginalize the peaceful and reasonable folks within Islam. I'll take monumentally stupid ideas for 1000 Euros, Alex.


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