Biotechnology Education - what's happening folks?

Like everything else, if we want to know what's going on, we have to ask.

So, it's time once again for the 2011-2012 National Biotechnology/Life Sciences Program Survey.

Yes, indeed.

Federal and state agencies will use the results to determine how best to support programs like yours. This study will also help prospective students and industry employers find your program. Survey results will be available to you to help with program planning, grant activities, and more.

We only want one person from each biotechnology / biomanufacturing / bioscience program to complete the survey. If you are not the right person to complete the survey, please get your college's biotechnology/life sciences program administrator to spare 15 minutes and fill this out.

We think the survey will take 15 minutes or less to complete.

Your participation is crucial to ensuring that the results accurately represent this important industry. Whether or not your college currently offers a biotechnology/life sciences program, your input is essential. The survey includes programs that are in the planning stages, as well as ways that colleges incorporate these subjects into other courses.

The survey asks about:
· Program characteristics,
· Student demographics, and
· Degrees and certificates awarded.

To start the survey, please click on the link below.

This survey is being conducted by Bio-Link's Independent Evaluator, the Social and Economic Sciences Research Center at Washington State University (WSU-SESRC). To request a paper version of the survey or to complete the survey via telephone, please contact Candiya Mann, Project Director, at

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Very Nice and Informative Article written by "Sandra Porter" on Biotechnology Education.

Hello Sandra this is an amazing post on the survey to be taken. I think we should encourage people to get involved in such acts so that more information can be gathered.