Monday, Monday, or "A day in the life"

There's no way a day can be entirely predictable, but I do like sharing a glimpse into the personal/professional life every once in a while. You see, the personal and professional can't be so easily disentangled, and whether you are a physician, scientist, grad student, or barrista, you only have one "real life".

0600: Pager. Nurse reports Mrs. M. has a very high fever and foul-smelling urine. I order cultures and antibiotics, and wander sleepily toward bathroom.

0605: Offspring bursts into bathroom excitedly. "Daddy, I had an accident and I was a little wet and I changed my diaper and my pyjamas all by myself and now I have to go potty and I'm going by myself and can you get out of the way cuz I have to go now and please turn on the lights so I can see and I'm not tired can you come cuddle?"

0610: Cuddle in bed with four-year-old insomniac

0630: Give up and watch Disney while eating waffles

(the rest is predicted)

0800: Arrive at office and look at pile on desk, despondently. Accept scolding from office staff.

0830-1200: See patients at office

12:30: Visit elderly patient with foul-smelling urine and fever.

12:45: Visit dear friends in ICU, one of whom is getting a dose of chemotherapy, the other sitting next to her.

1300-1630: Supervise medical residents in their outpatient clinic.

1635-1700: Check back in with friends in ICU.

1700-2100: Supervise residents in outpatient clinic.

2200: Arrive home, tip-toe into precocious child's room, kiss and tuck in.

2220: Hang out with spouse, finally.

2330: Fall asleep, hopefully.


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Notable things missing from your schedule (besides blogging...when DO you find the time?)
1. Eating. Did you eat since breakfast?
2. Sleeping. I calculate 6 1/2 hours at best. Are you a natural short sleeper or are you drugging yourself awake?

In short, are you taking care of yourself?

Awwww. :) :pours coffee:

I had an insomniac five-year-old this morning. I think he was sleeping five minutes, waking five minutes since 2 a.m. Catch-phrase of the night? "Sing to me forever, Mommy."

awww! and we were soooo happy to see you in the ICU today. its more fun seeing you at bowling, but we still enjoy seeing you wherever we can! thanx for stopping by. i cant even believe i actually had fun today at the hospital. :)

awww! and we were soooo happy to see you in the ICU today. its more fun seeing you at bowling, but we still enjoy seeing you wherever we can! thanx for stopping by. i cant even believe i actually had fun today at the hospital. :)

Cherish the small child cuddles! Because when they get older that does not happen.

Though, when they get older the very interesting conversations happen. Today my high school senior son actually talked to me because I asked him about his new work schedule. He is a lifeguard and he teaches swimming. He was noticing that the tiny kids he introduced to the water three years ago as three year olds, are now past "kinders" and starting to grow up as six year olds. Then he realized that if he went to the local university and worked at the same pool for another four years these kids would grow even more!

And this morning I was thinking about the one and only time this middle child climbed into our bed to snuggle. At that time I was nursing his little sister, and his big brother was already in the bed (which was normal, it was something I used to do as child until I was age eight). The one time all three kids were in our bed. I dared not kick him out, because I did not want this little three-year-old to feel pushed out due to baby sister. I lost sleep, but I gained a great memory.