How to Become a Cult Leader

The hat tip has to go to that self-love-fest, BoingBoing...nevertheless, this is a masterpiece.

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Not to sound shallow... but anyone else noting that most of the cult folowers were attractive young women?

Dude, that's the entire point of being a cult leader. (OK, maybe not quite, but almost...)

The guys weren't bad, either :-)

Seriously, this video is gonna be a classic.

By themadlolscientist (not verified) on 24 Jun 2008 #permalink

OT: This article from yesterday's SF Chronicle sounds like a good subject for a post here.

By Steve Bloom (not verified) on 24 Jun 2008 #permalink

I loved the video.

But in an unrealated note, I have to comment that I was distracted by the flashing ad bar at the top of the page about how our ADD society full of distractions is going to lead to disaster.

I think that qualifies as irony...right?

What's scary is that you just know there are some aspiring con-men out there watching and taking notes.

#6: yep! like me :) (seriously)