Think of it as a poll crash...

A new blogger out there stepped on the third rail. He's a senior law student, blogging about social justice, progressive politics, etc., and he found out that David Kirby, the Minister of Propaganda for the mercury militia, is coming to speak at his school.

This nascent lawyer had the temerity to call him out, and ZOMG! Kirby took the bait and brought his addled-minded friends.

There seem to be a whole lot of folks over there in need of some larnin'. I s'pose it couldn't hurt to see what's getting Kirby all hot and bothered.

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I didn't want to blog about this. I really didn't. No, the reason why I didn't want to blog about this latest screed by mercury militia enabler David Kirby is not because it is about any sort of slam-dunk proof that vaccines do after all cause autism, a mistaken impression that you might get if you…
Dr. Paul Offit's book Autism's False Prophets: Bad Science, Risky Medicine, and the Search for a Cure has hit the bookstores, and, as predicted, the mercury militia is going into a frenzy of spin and smear. As is usual, because they have no science to support their viewpoint, they are reduced to…
Pity poor David Kirby. After all, he made his name by hitching his star to a losing hypothesis, namely that the mercury in thimerosal in vaccines causes autism. He wrote a book about it, Evidence of Harm, back in 2005 and has milked that sucker dry ever since. Most recently, his appearances…
...because the author of the book that fueled the rise of the mercury militia in 2005, that indefatigable purveyor of bad science, logical fallacies and bizarre speculations, that useful idiot that antivaccinationists all know and love, is coming to the U.K next month. Yes, I'm talking about David…

I did like this comment over there:

Denialism Blog - amatures at best.

I think it means you're all childish.

Awww, don't cry at the mean and nasty man. he doesn't mean it. Yes, we do love you. Come over here and have a hug.

Is it just me, or do many of the Anti-Vax denialists seem just one step below the timecube guy?

By Brendan S (not verified) on 11 Jun 2008 #permalink

Well you did push all of your "addled-minded friends" from this blog to the argument as well, making you no better then Kirby in that respect.


There's nothing wrong about encouraging other people to swamp a blog, regardless of which side you're rooting for. The only way to be "no better" than Kirby would be to ignore the science and rely on biased studies and anecdotal evidence.

What medical science aids ASD individuals that doesn't cause weight gain and increse the risks of Type II diabetes?

By Anonymous (not verified) on 11 Jun 2008 #permalink

I'm confused by the connection between anti-vax and chelation advocates. Since chelation is done all the time and vaccination is only done once or so then surely if the TOXINS were from there, the chelation would only be needed once.
In other words, surely the need for constant chelation shows that it isn't the vaccines at all. Or is this not a problem in fantasy land?

By Richard Eis (not verified) on 12 Jun 2008 #permalink