The Australian's War on Science 44 part 2

As well as Monckton Media Watch also looked at the way Jamie Walker passed off his opinioin piece about the Great Barrier Reef as a straight news story. John Bruno dissects Walker's response.

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Talking of a war on science. Originally posted at Tamino:

"M&M got at least one person affiliated with GOP to make a bogus request. Does the name Sarah Ferguson (and no I am not referring to the royal). She goes by SarahF at CA, do a search. How many more are/were there?

Also, this is definitely worth a read:…

Rush Limbaugh calling for âevery scientist at every university in this country thatâs been involved in this be named and fired, drawn and quartered.â I had no idea until reading her post what he meant by that.

So he can incite people to torture and/or murder climate scientists someone with no consequences?! Come on, people have been sent to prison for less.

If we get through this without losing a climate scientist at the hands of a madman weâll be very lucky, and going by Limbaughâs call to violence I do not think that is an exaggeration.

Iâm shocked and disgusted."

By MapleLeaf (not verified) on 09 Feb 2010 #permalink