Golden winger awards

Who, who has won the coveted Creamy Baileys No-Bell Peace Prize for Science? I'm not going to give the surprise away, so click here to find out!

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Over at The Poor Man Institute voting is underway for the 2008 Wingnut Awards. The nominees for The Creamy Baileys Nobel Peace Prize for Science, 2008 are Chad Myers, Camille Paglia, Charlie Daniels, Gregg Easterbrook and James Inhofe. Hmmm...
I know, I know already. We're getting creationist and religious ads appearing on the right sidebar. Seed has farmed out some of their ad space to a generic ad provider, which doesn't pay us much and which stuffs in ridiculous ads from any old desperate wanker who wants to buy some attention. In…
With this morning's announcement of the 2014 Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine, the annual Nobel season is upon us. I didn't do a betting pool post this year, because when I announced last year's winner, I was reminded that I had never paid off the prize to the previous year's winner. So I…
'Go read Doris Lessing,' said my favorite Classics professor at Tufts. You see, we both love Vonnegut, Heinlein and all sorts of science fiction, so I visited his office one day asking why there weren't more women writers of the genre catching my fancy. I took his advice and wandered into the…

As I said in comments over there, we need an Antichrist of the Year award.


> [...] the Trinity of the Antichrist:

> In the name of Obama, Imam and the Bible spirit.