A tip from Bug Girl

A handy tip from Bug Girl

Also, a tip: if you walk into your new workplace brandishing a container of putative pubic lice and sand, you may want to provide a more detailed back story than "I bought them on the internet." Just some advice.


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Maybe the nits were killed by global warming. Jeff Harvey, you can add another victim to the list of species that have been endangered by climate change.

I'm sure Lance will scream martyr any time now, after his infinitely wise self decided to drag out global warming in a topic where it's not even mentioned.

= =

Anyway... the Better Business Bureau? I used to check out what the BeBB's got to say regarding a certain scam known as Neo-Tech. They tend to hide mention of the customer complaints, only giving a summary. And when Neo-Tech was kicked out of the BeBB, the BeBB decided to expunge all mention of Neo-Tech from their web site. Not very nice.

I think I might recommend the Bad Business Bureau instead. (I say "might" because I don't have much actual experience with either BaBB or the BeBB, just first impressions. Caveat bloggor.)

bi, it was a joke. You have heard of those right?

Lance the Martyr screams:

bi, it was a joke.

A joke for sure.

50% on the Wit-O-Meter.

That's quite good for Lance.

Pity laugh all around for Lance.

By luminous beauty (not verified) on 05 May 2008 #permalink

Hey, I'm not above enjoying a pity laugh.

Tough room.


Jerry Lewis made millions of juvenile movie-goers and a handful of French academics laugh by projecting the persona of a clueless idiot.

You're just like Lewis, except he isn't really a clueless idiot.

Just as funny, though.

By luminous beauty (not verified) on 05 May 2008 #permalink

I have long wondered why you chose the name luminous beauty.

gracless would be a more fitting moniker.

Of course I meant to type graceless, but no doubt some dazzling wit will mock my misspelling.

But, but, but Lance,

It was a joke. You have heard of those, right?

By luminous beauty (not verified) on 05 May 2008 #permalink

well, i thought it was funny enough. binary go-nogo scale.

Betula, you forgot guns and GM crops. Lice are terrorists, they feed on Wormy Sweet Corn, and we need to arm our citizens in order to deal with the them.

I'm not a miracle worker.

Perhaps the Lancet can determine the actual number of lice that died due to the failed policies of the neo-cons.

Did we leave anybody out?