Jim Macdonald reports that the pin-tumbler lock is obsolete.
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Editor's picks for your reading pleasure on Tuesday, August 8:
"Cat's Cradle, by Kurt Vonnegut"
Benjamin Cohen on a book that stands up after a dozen readings.
"Buy Stock in Abloy"
Tim Lambert reports on a report that new innovations in thievery have made the pin-tumbler lock obsolete.
Brian Krebs reports good news: Trans Union, one of the three major consumer reporting agencies, will offer all consumers the option to freeze their credit files in order to prevent identity theft:
A credit freeze directs the credit bureaus to block access to a consumer's credit report and credit…
Since I've been busy with Dean Esmay, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, I tagged in my partner Jon Rowe to put the Worldnutdaily's usual nonsense about church and state into a figure four logic lock. Count the pin, 1 2 3. He also hits one of my major pet peeves in this post about the tired cliche "…
On September 19, 1961, Betty and Barney Hill were driving through rural New Hampshire, and had an odd experience that has become probably the most famous alien abduction story in the history of UFO folklore.
As it happens, they drove right past the town where SF author and Making Light blogger Jim…
I have never had anything worth stealing, anways.