Welcome William Connolley's Stoat to the ScienceBlogs federation. He's not in the combined feed yet, but I imagine that will be fixed soon.
More like this
Well, that didn't last long, did it? I've only been on ScienceBlogs for less that two weeks, and already I'm no longer the new kid on the block.
Nope, that honor now goes to William Connolley. Welcome Stoat to the Borg--I mean ScienceBlogs--collective. It looks as though he isn't integrated into…
There's a thread on twitter, started by "@JacquelynGill" noting "The Day After Tomorrow", "@ClimateOfGavin" replying that "it was that movie and lame sci community response that prompted me to start blogging", and continuing "Spring 2004 was pre-RC, Scienceblogs, etc. Deltoid was around, Stoat, @…
Here is the forth and final part of the introduction to SEED sciencebloggers. Check out the first part, the second part and the third part if you have missed them before. There ain't no eleven left, so today we have only ten (but I hear there will be a couple more soon....):
Jake Young of Pure…
At first glance, Richard Muller's "conversion" from global-warming skeptic to true believer—based on research funded by global warming denialists—is a welcome surprise. Hey, people can change their minds! But on Stoat, William M. Connolley takes a more critical view. Connolley asks, "Everyone who…
Thanks for the welcome :-)
A lot of the people I read have been assimilated by Science blog! Are you sure this is not a Borg blog?
Not at all.