Since 99% of the trackbacks I have been getting were spam, I have turned them off. If you link to one of my posts, just leave a comment linking back to your post. Sorry for the inconvenience.
More like this
... older than a few days so that I can do something other than deal with a new spate of spam. This spam is different from other spam, so it is quite possible that I'll accidentally delete real comments. If you think a post of yours is taking too long to get posted let me know, and I'll see if I…
A couple of technical notes that may affect your reading and commenting experience:
1) The site developer has tweaked the RSS feeds to include links to the full post, and to the comments section. The comments links on some posts even appear to give a comment tally, which is pretty cool. Of course…
I'm dying here, people. It's spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spammity, spam, spam, spam. I get up every morning and get to spend a half hour cleaning up the crap that accumulates every night, and have to invest more time at intervals during the day…
Time to shut down comments on older posts, as we are having a blizzard of spam on those posts. I'll reopen commenting in a few days. Sorry for any inconvenience.
If you're using wordpress, consider spam karma 2. You can google it up. Since it's install in August, it has stopped over 100K spam comments/tbs. In that time, exactly 2 have made it through.
I can second that recommendation for spam karma 2. Unfortunately, we're on moveable type here at Scienceblogs. We do have a pretty good spam filter, but with trackbacks these days it's getting rather pointless. Most blogs have turned off trackback, so few people other than spammers leave trackbacks anymore. It hardly seems worth the bother.
I haven't given up on trackback, but Technorati is getting better and better, so there almost doesn't seem to be a need for it anymore.
Most blogs have turned off trackback, so few people other than spammers leave trackbacks anymore. It hardly seems worth the bother.
Well, not my experience. Most MT and Typepad blogs do a fairly decent job of TBs automatically.
I'd much rather get the notification that TB provides than constantly heading over to a somewhat better technorati all the time.
The little bit of TB spam that makes it through MT's built in filters is hardly a bother anymore.
Tim: whenever a comment gets added to a post, bloglines (and I'm assuming, the rss feed) adds a new entry for the post it was in. Can you change this?
I haven't been hit with any trackback spams yet, but mgk was spam flooded with about 1000 messages about a week ago by a disgruntled customer (all the others are quite gruntled, thank you). mgk runs on WordPress, so I installed the Akismet plugin. Kills spam dead- all of it.
Automatic trackback (a.k.a. pingback in WPspeak) between WP blogs seems to work OK... for now. Trackbacks between WP blogs and other flavours are not so automatic.
Different blogging apps seem to be susceptible to different forms of spam. I used TypePad (=MovableType) before moving to WordPress.
TypePad got lots of spam trackbacks and, because I didn't moderate feedback, they got listed temporarily at least. I've since disabled it on the old site, and I'm one of those people who don't leave trackbacks, anyway.
My WordPress site gets lots of automated comment spam. All of them are blocked before posting, but it's a pain and I'd rather not moderate posts so I installed a human submission test plugin that works a treat.
duggie, that's actually a flaw in bloglines, not in the RSS feed. It was cause because we had a comment count in the feed, which seems to make bloglines think that it's a new entry whenever the count changes. Tech support has removed the count, so it should be OK now.