On Saturday, I showed to a bloggers meet up organized by Suki and Susoz. Also attending were weez, Flashman, Morgan and tigtog. We decided that a bloggers' picnic would be fun, so, if you're in Sydney on Saturday April 1st, come to the Royal Botanical Gardens from 1pm. We're spreading the picnic blankets on the lawn to the east of the Main Pond. Tigtog has more details.
More like this
This Saturday, 1st April in the Royal Botanic Gardens from 1pm. We'll be at the lawn to the east of the Main Pond. Tigtog has some pictures of the location.
For those of you who expressed an interest (even telepathically) in the meet-up of ScienceBlogs bloggers and readers in the three-dimensional world (specifically, Manhattan) next Saturday, I now have much more precise details:
UPDATE: We won't be meeting at the Arthur Ross Terrace. (…
So far, the Sb meetup has been tres fun. Last night I met PhysioProf, Bora, Dr. Signout, Brian, Josh, Janet, Grrlscientist, Erin, Kate, Ed, and Mark, and got to see Zuska again. (Whew -did I forget anyone in there? Probably! Sorry!)
It's excellent to put faces with names, especially over martinis…
...that I and a bunch of other ScienceBloggers will be at the following location from 2-4 PM today:
2pm-4pm on Saturday, August 9
795 8th Ave (close to 49th St.)
New York, NY 10019
A couple of warnings:
Point one:
I'm a lot more boring and unassuming in person than I am on the blog…
Sounds good. If you have any fellowships to fund guest picknickers from North America, I have first dibs.
Knickers tend to be resistant to picking in the daylight hours, Ken. This meet mightn't be as much fun as you're imagining.
Now, now, jumping on people for spelling mistakes is not approved of in this corner of cyberspace. If I get my full-expense fellowship, I will promise to triple-check all emails.
Sorry guys, I'm not going to make it. Just not up to moving about at present.