Test yourself: can you detect what is dishonest about this argument in a Mirada Devine column about RU486 published in the Sydney Morning Herald today:
And, despite the hype about a gender divide in the Senate last week, about the same number of men (21) and women (24) voted in favour of removing Abbott's authority.
The answer is here
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They are now toadies of the Exclusive Brethren, who fund campaign advertisements for the Liberal Party.
Add to this Cardinal George Pell's support, Catholic minister Tony Abbott's attempts to control who can use RU486 on an individual basis (i.e., never), Peter Costello's links with Hillsong,…
After I summarized how Plan B contraception works, I'm still getting letters confusing it with RU486. RU486 induces abortions. Plan B does not. RU486 is the opposite of Plan B.
Remember that what Plan B is is an artificially high dose of progesterone (it actually uses a progesterone analog, but it'…
Miranda Devine, in yesterday's Sydney Morning Herald brings us the sad story of how Ian Plimer is being shouted down and silenced:
Human-caused climate change is being "promoted with religious zeal ... there are fundamentalist organisations which will do anything to silence critics." ...
It is…
In today's Sydney Morning Herald Miranda Devine has a go at the Lancet study, writing
The British medical journal The Lancet published a paper last October (timed deliberately, its authors admit, before the US presidential election), estimating that 100,000 more Iraqis died…
Hah! I knew it was that there were many fewer female than male senators!
Someone might ask Mirada Devine if wives (and girlfriends) should have some control over whether or not a man gets a vasectomy. I know it isn't a great analogy, but it might open some eyes.
As Ronald Reagan said, "I notice that everyone who is in favour of abortion has already been born."
Well, I'm glad my parents conceived me. I'd have been so angry if they hadn't.