because then maybe it would have been mentioned in the New York Times:
Seed Media, which produces science publications in print and online, is seeking to broaden its audience - and its appeal to advertisers - by introducing on Monday a network of blogs, or Web journals, devoted to science and science-related subjects. The network is to be made available on a Web site,, that is now operating in beta, or test, mode.
The Web site will initially bring together 15 blogs bearing names like Adventures in Ethics and Science, Cognitive Daily, Living the Scientific Life and Stranger Fruit.
Instead, I named it after a 3-cusped hypocycloid.
PZ Myers has more on the NY Times story.
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Yup, me too.
But I like the title of your blog, so who cares about the NY Times!
I've been regretting for 18 months now the title I gave my blog. I started it on a spur of the moment and gave no thought to the title. Later, my readers did not want me to change it. Still, it is so bad that everyone refers to my blog as Coturnix, instead of its real title.
It does seem kind of unfair that not all the blogs were mentioned by name. (And of course, when I sent the NYT article to my mom and pointed out that mine *was* one of the luck few whose names were included, she said, "That's nice; but YOUR name isn't mentioned." Parents.)
Do people ever stumble upon your blog looking for muscle-y stuff?
Do you also read Dodecahedron blog? Any other geometric blogs (Does 3Dpancakes count?)
Tim, all you need to do is add a planetology angle to your blogging and extend the name to Deltoid of Venus. :)
as you might imagine, i was delighted to have my humble little blog mentioned by name.
your comments are interesting since i contemplated changing the name of my blog, but i couldn't think of a name that seemed to better capture what i am doing with my blog .. the catchiest name i could think of was "woman with a parrot", which is cute, but i rarely write about parrots (even though i research them and have lived with them most of my life) and i didn't want to restrict myself that way.
Well, I recruited you guys, and I didn't get name-checked either. Sigh. But better they didn't... I mean, bottom line, I don't have to deal with that end of the business. Thank the maker.
Yes, I get people who are searching for information about the deltoid muscle.
I've never seen Dodecahedron. 3d Pancakes is one that should be on my blogroll, but isn't because of general laziness on my part.
I second Steve Bloom's suggestion. Plus if you'd kept the ole bikini bottom logo, you could then add a logline: "Deltoid of Venus: Giving astroturf a Brazilian wax."