Lott on the hockey stick

Under the title "Academics drag feet on giving out data" Lott quotes extensively from an article about the hockey stick by Steve Milloy. One part Lott doesn't quote is this:

Well, a scientist's refusal to provide colleagues with his data and methodology is suspicious.

Now, Milloy is being deceitful by implying that Mann, Bradley and Hughes hadn't published their data and methodology when they had already done so, but it is true that refusing to provide data and methodology is suspicious. As done by, to pick a name at random, John Lott. I guess that if Mann had claimed to have lost the data in a disk crash Milloy would not have breathed a word about the matter.


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[Note: This is a copy of a document found at this link on John Lott's website on May 13, 2003. I have added critical commentry, written in italics like this. Tim Lambert ] With some recent attacks on me in a variety of places from the Washington Post to the Chicago Tribune to numerous other…

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Let me guess...Mann wasn't uncooperative with M&M because they acted like a-holes, but because he is part of an alarmist conspiracy and doesn't want anyone to find out that what he did wasn't actually science.

I feel your pain, Tim. You're a stronger man than I am.



Perhaps we're wrong to hold John Lott to the standards we expect of scientists. He is, after all, simply a shill for the GOP. I was kind enough to offer him a small correction for an item on his blog (which is a rather slapdash affair). He had written "Democrat leadership council". I helpfully pointed out:

Your citation is a bit off, John. I'm fairly certain that the organization is titled "Democratic Leadership Council". That is, it begins with an adjective, not a noun, and as a proper name it requires capitalization throughout.

I got a thank-you message in response, so I visited his blog again. The entry now read "Democrat Leadership Council". Lott has adopted the Republican insistence of substituting "Democrat" for all occurences of "Democratic" in Democratic Party organizations, a practice that goes back at least as far as Joe McCarthy in the 1950s.

By the way, he corrected the capitalization only on the entry I specifically cited. He left the name in lowercase elsewhere. A scientist would be more careful, don't you think?

Have you seen the "Real Name (tm)" customer review feature on Amazon.com? I would suspect that Lott's activities there had something do to with their decision to create that feature.

By Chris Jarrett (not verified) on 14 Aug 2005 #permalink