It's now a quarter of a decade since I started this blog.
Originally it was just a web page for my comments on John Lott's Mysterious Survey. I figured that the survey issue would be resolved in a few weeks and I could shut it down then, but that doesn't seem to have happened.
Thanks to the Internet Archive you can see what my blog looked like when it was three weeks old.
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Last December I examined a posting by John Ray who dismissed ozone depletion as a "Greenie scare" using facts he seemed to have just made up by himself. Now he's back, attacking gun control. This time he's not using facts that he made up---he's using facts that Lott made up. He quotes…
Summary: Lott now claims that an incriminating file where he had been caught cooking his results was not meant to have been on his website and was only there because his webmaster screwed up. Unfortunately, his latest story is full of holes.
Way back in September last year I…
Howard Nemerov has a post defending Lott and responding to Chris Mooney's Mother Jones article. Unfortunately, he gets his facts wrong, leaves out inconvenient facts and indulges in fallacious arguments. I'll go through his post and correct these, but first some general comments.
This is an annotated list of John Lott's on line reviews at Amazon
and at Barnes and Noble.
Most of his reviews were posted anonymously or under a false name, and he used this anonymity to post many five-star reviews of his own books and to pan rival books.
When you post a review at…
The link to the old page doesn't appear to work.
Weird. It was working before... I've replaced it with a cached copy.
That's better! Looks just as I remember it. Tim, if it wasn't for Lott's "survey", do you think you'd ever have started the blog?
"Quarter of a decade"-- that makes it sound rooly, rooly old.
Long may you be a thorn in the side of people like Tim Blair and the astroturfists.
That. Was. Basic.
Wow! 25 years. Congratulations. I was happy to hit one year. You're an internet pioneer. I'm sending you your virtual raccoon-skin hat and Bowie knife.