Actually that's an undercount since some people read my blog via the RSS feed. My thanks to everyone who has dropped by.
More like this
So I recently joined Twitter. So here's some random thoughts about it:
De facto blog aggregator. It's actually a good substitute for an RSS feed, and because it's very low cost for someone to recommend a post (i.e., they don't have to blog about it), it's a really good way to be exposed to posts…
It's that time of the month again, when we try to acknowledge the work of some commenter (or inanimate carbon rod) who has most delighted us by bestowing admission in the grand Order of the Molly. Just leave a comment here naming your favorite commenter or random object intended to mock the…
This blog has moved. The new location is
So long and thanks for all the fish!
Over the past three years I've had a good time blogging here at Scienceblogs. Though I rarely agree with much they say (haha, classic curmudgeon that I am) I can honestly say my fellow…
Last week, the number of subscribers to this blog's RSS feed passed the 2,000 mark, after teetering just below that number for a couple of months. It's very gratifying to know that so many people enjoy my writing, and although this increase in subscriptions is tiny compared to the total number of…
They come by because of your work. Well done, sir.
Show off!
Just kidding.
Please keep up the good work. Don't forget the gun issue. Few seem to understand it better. Congratulations.
Hooley Dooley. Well done.
Thanks Tim. I value your site, and appreciate the effort you put into your research.