Oh no! Will the owners of this site be hearing from Tim Blair's lawyers?
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In my previous post I noted that Tim Blair had posted:
Can I ask all timblair.net regulars to stop commenting here. This is exactly what he wants and you're only encouraging him.
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You complete idiot. That comment wasn't posted by me. I…
That is pure gold.
aah, I likes me satire sophisticated.
What do you really expect from some 'script kiddies' pray tell......
And programming in Python to boot...... loosers.
Totally darp.
I like this one
John Howard is a f**ktard.
And I thought this one was interesting
Apparently Howard's updated his site.
Tim, you definitely need to teach more classes.
heheh. whover it was forgot to include the plastic turkey aspect.
What a courageous thing to do. Don't debate Tim Blair with knowledge and skill. Don't support your Green hamfisted religious belief with evidence (and I don't mean 300 English Professors signing a Pro-Kyoto treaty). Don't play to the Gallery like a first year uni student. Attack Blair's site, most probably during office hours. Way to go Mr. Lambert. Rather than ensuring your students are taught requiste ethics and getting a sense of intellectual property rights, you go off and use your "superior" intellect in the field of computer science to harass an individual's property.
You know what, Mr. Lambert, I don't know the legalities of what you have done as I am not a lawyer. What I do know is that what you did is unethical in the extreme. And that is not what people expect from a university professor. You are a disgrace to your school.
Mr Cambria,
Mr Blair doesn't allow any dissenting comments on his site, making debate impossible.
I love the assumption that Tim did this. Joe, that great supporter of logic and evidence, can no doubt tell us how he reached that conclusion.
He might like to look "sense of humour" up in a dictionary, as well.
You say: "Mr Blair doesn't allow any dissenting comments on his site, making debate impossible".
To which you infer it is ok, for a university professor to insinuate himself onto Tim Blair's site? Am I following your line of logic here?
Mr. Tiley:
You say: "I love the assumption that Tim did this. Joe, that great supporter of logic and evidence, can no doubt tell us how he reached that conclusion".
What assumption needs to be made? Mr. Lambert told us, boasts about how he insinuated himself and others onto Tim Blair's website. Tim Blair didn't tell me. I never spoke to him about this. It was Mr. Lambert who told us how he used the universityâs lawyers to protect him. Go read the transcript of his post again.
So what assumption are you talking about? You aren't making any sense?
Both you guys need to think before you add stupid, badly thought out arguments to your name.
You made the suggestion that Mr. Blair should be engaged Intellectually. I merely pointed out that Mr. Blair refuses to allow debate on any of his comments.
I made no mention of the altered website.
Mr. Heidelberg:
Could you please point out where I referred to this point you are making? I would appreciate it .
Mr. Heidelberg:
Could you please point out where I referred to this point you are making? I would appreciate it .
Mr. H
You really arenât making any sense here. I donât want to belittle you in anyway as I have no wish to put you down.
Debate means Mr. Lambert can say anything he likes on his site within Reason of course. Mr. Blair like Quiggin can refuse anyone entry, if they wish. It is their right.
By your train of logic, therefore, it is perfectly ok for a computer science teacher to go
tampering around with another personâs property? You consider this to be ethical? You find it as the right thing to do? You have no problem with this behavior? From a university teacher, no less, who boasts about how computer savvy he is.
A reasonable person would consider what he did is the equivalent of trespass.
I build a house, which you donât like and because you donât like it you feel you have the right to dig out the foundations of my property? Really? Or more pertinently, you come to my front gate and I refuse you entry. Would you think you have the right to brake the gate down?
Seriously, you donât consider what Mr. Lambert tried to do as something creepy? Isnât it like drilling a hole to female bathrooms and then looking in? Doesnât it display an unnatural, creepy, obsession?
You also say, you made no mention of his altered website. BUT that is the core of this discussion! If you leave that part out how would you walk properly without one leg?
Do you actually understand the concept of the Malkovich mediator? You put in an address and it mediates the site to get the result that Tim has linked to. It has nothing to do with altering the original site, getting access to it or any other l33t! h4XoR skills. It may be puerile and lacking in sophistication, but it does not require illegal actions against someone's hosting service.
OMG WTF1!!1 l@mBrT is teh h4XoR!1!!1
I have no idea what you are talking about, and to be quite honest, you are scaring me a little.
Actually interfering with other prople's property scares me.
I find it reprehensible the owner of this site does this creepy stuff on taxpayer money and then uses taxpayer funded lawyers to help him. You don't?
If stuff like that scares, I suggest you have a chat with Tim Lambert. He is the one who seems obssessed with Tim Blair by messing around with his site. I'm pointing out the obvious.
Joe Cambria wrote, Actually interfering with other prople's property scares me.
As dj pointed out, Tim did no such thing.
Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with the facts instead of slinging baseless allegations.
Joe, perhaps you could explain precisely how Tim L is interfering with tim's property. Mr Lambert has discovered a site which (I'm oversimplifying) copies a webpage, rewrites the text of the page, then displays it. The original webpage is not altered or harmed in any way, only a copy is produced, which is presumably not even archived but destroyed immediately.
Mr Lambert's delight in teasing Mr Blair is quite childish and doesn't exactly reflect well upon him, but he hasn't interfered with Mr Blair or his property. I believe this would be the appropriate time for you to apologise, then move on to do some IT research. You don't necessarily need to study server-side programming in-depth, but you should at least familiarise yourself with the concepts of copying data, and editing and appending text.
mark wrote, Mr Lambert's delight in teasing Mr Blair is quite childish and doesn't exactly reflect well upon him,...
Not clear Tim's actions were childish, given the context of the legal threats.
âMr Lambert has discovered a site which (I'm oversimplifying) copies a webpage, rewrites the text of the page, then displays it. The original webpage is not altered or harmed in any way, only a copy is produced.....â
I asked a friend who is a copyright and patent legal guy in New York working for one of the large firms to take a look at the thread and comments. With only minor exceptions this part of the law is essentially the same in both countries, he said. You want to take a bet in favour of the comment you made would not have legal redress. As he put it, it s a blatent act to deceive and commit fraud.
Go read the thread again. It was clear this university teacher was creating a platform where readers were confused as to whose site it actually was. He also mentions he had comments scrolling onto his site by people who thought they were on Blairâs site.
You feel this is ok? There are no ethical boundaries being crossed by a university teacher?
I honestly cannot understand how anyone would spend any time on this site. I have nothing against Mr. Lambert's political persuasion by saying that. Good writing is a skill, which doesn't have political boundaries. However after reading the pieces that Mr. Lambert puts up I can honestly say he is unreadable. Just simply unreadable.
So please don't waste your time putting posting a reply, I won't be reading it.
It's also a little scary worrying about the safety of my equipment while on this site after what happened to Tim Blair.
Joe, I would not hire that lawyer. The site is clearly a parody generator and Tim Lambert generated a parody. Please don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Joe Cambria wrote, It's also a little scary worrying about the safety of my equipment while on this site after what happened to Tim Blair.
It's also a little scary that it's been pointed out to you repeatedly that the Malkovich mediator does nothing to the "mediated site" itself, and yet you still don't get it.
However after reading the pieces that Mr. Lambert puts up I can honestly say he is unreadable. Just simply unreadable.
No wonder you don't think Tim's site is readable; you don't have the intellectual wherewithal to read it.
I must remember to put in two para breaks on Tim's comments...
Sorry that previous remark is totally incomprehensible, I won't bore you with how it came to be there...
Mr Cambria,
Youâre conflating two things. One, a while back Tim started a mirror site so that people could debate Tim Blair (the very thing you were advocating, except that they couldnât do it on Timâs primary site because Andrea Harris wouldnât let him. He didnât hijack TBâs actual site in any way, it was a different and parallel site, but some people questioned it and he stopped.
Fast forward to the other day when Tim uses the âMalkovitch Mediatorâ (see here) to create a parody of TBâs site. Which does not overwrite his site, and doesnât come up on Google â at least not when I tested. And really, who but the most naïve OMG!WTF? 13- year old would really mistake that for the Tim Blair site?
I know we are all told to be on the lookout for things that may be harmful and I know it is easy for ones PC to be genuinely hijacked, but Tim et al know enough to know that the Malkovitch Mediator is genuinely harmless. Have you ever come across those parody scripts where you type in a sentence or two and it converts it to Elizabethan english, or pirate language, or what have you? This is the sort of thing that it is. Itâs just playful.
Itâs OK to surf the internet without much knowledge and itâs probably good to be extra cautious oneself, but if you pop your head over the parapet complaining about someone elseâs internet use, it would be as well to educate yourself a bit about the subject. I see you have given an email address as an URL â I don't blame you for being confused, but you need to regroup and find out a bit about what it is you're complaining about.
"You want to take a bet in favour of the comment you made would not have legal redress. As he put it, it s a blatent act to deceive and commit fraud."
Did your friend train at Hollywood Upstairs Law School, Joe? Are you aware of Babelfish and Google Translate? If I were you, Joe, I'd be more worried about the state of your mental 'equipment'.
No, I believe they graduated from the Lionel B. Hutz School of Law.