It's now two years since I started this web log. Here is my first post. Originally it was just a page for me to join the discussion about Lott's fabricated survey, but the focus seems to have expanded beyond that.
To get an idea how much blog traffic has increaased, my first post got linked by Glenn Reynolds and several others commenting on the Lott affair. As a result I had almost 1000 visits after three days. Now I get almost that much traffic every day.
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James Lindgren makes some interesting points in the comment section to this Jane Galt post. First, he comments on this Lott claim about his tax returns:
As to deducting these costs on my income taxes, my 1997 tax form, which I have shared with many others, shows that $8,750 was deducted for…
Lindgren has updated his report. Main changes are the inclusion of a reply from John Lott and a dissection of Lott's new "Did I say three months? I meant one month. Yeah, that's the ticket!" claim.
Lots more people have blogged on this: Glenn Reynolds, Pejman Yousefzadeh, skippy,…
After discussion has simmered along via email, Usenet and mailing list, Marie Gryphon has posted a nice summary on her blog.
Several blogs have picked up on this: Julian Sanchez, Jim Henley, Jane Galt, Kevin Drum and Thomas M. Spencer.
Clayton Cramer has posted a letter from John Lott on his…
Lott has a long message at his website where he discusses Mary Rosh and argues that when he claimed that he had "not participated in the firearms discussion group nor in the apparent online newsgroup discussions", he was not lying:
Another misunderstanding in the media is that I was lying as…
Considering the posts you get from the pro-gun crowd in your blog comments, you've definitely got their attention. They'd probably deny it but they are watching what you write. You're such a hit-hog, Tim...;-)
Keep up the good work, Tim.
Thanks for all the effort you've put into this, Tim.
Congrats on two years.
I appreciate your time and effort here, sir. Keep up the good work.D
My congrats as well, Tim. Keep it up--this Ph.D social scientist finds your site extremely valuable, and your careful analysis of data commendable.
An inspiration. An education. And entertaining to boot.
I was going to say you're national treasure but that's way too parochial. Your efforts here have been nothing short of amazing. So thanks.