Congratulations to the Spooner Award Finalists!

Via David Bernstein I learn that the finalists for the Lysander Spooner award are:

James Bovard, Terrorism and Tyranny;
John Lott, Bias Against Guns;
Charles Murray, Human Accomplishment; and
[his] own, You Can't Say That!

My congratulations to all the finalists. To get into the final four just required emailed votes and it wasn't even against the rules to vote more than once by using multiple email accounts. Winning the award will be more difficult for Lott, since it will be decided by a jury of members of the Center for Independent Thought's board of directors and other prominent libertarians and scholars. I hope that the scholars on the jury will check some of the references in the Bias Against Guns. Like this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this.

Update: Ralph Luker wonders how many times Mary Rosh voted for Lott.


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