Lott pretends Ayres and Donohue don't exist

This story in the Zanesville Times Recorder highlights the problems that Lott's behaviour has caused for advocates of concealed carry laws. They are now having to say things like:

"Lott's research has little bearing on the state's need for responsible and fair concealed weapons legislation."

Meanwhile, Lott said:

"But this debate shouldn't be just about me. I suppose it's flattering. But there have been lots of papers published on this issue. All have them have shown a range from small benefits to large benefits."

Lott is well aware of Ayres and Donahue, whose Stanford Law Review paper reports

"Those who were swayed by the statistical evidence previously offered by Lott and Mustard to believe the more guns, less crime hypothesis should now be more strongly inclined to accept the even stronger statistical evidence suggesting the crime-inducing effect of shall issue laws."

It is astonishing that he pretends that this paper does not exist.

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