Lott makes it into the Sunday comics. (Thanks to Julian Sanchez for the link.)
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Julian Sanchez has another thoughtful post on the question of whether it was Lott or Kopel who attributed the 98% to Kleck. I'm still trying to collect my thoughts on this one, but I should correct one statement he makes. Even if the attribution is established to be Kopel's it does…
Atrios mentions the Washington Post article on Mary Rosh. Meanwhile, Calpundit reports that Lott has backed out of doing an interview. I guess Lott is never going to answer these questions. Julian Sanchez has an update where he observes that over in talk.politics.guns some folks, having…
Andrew Chamberlain observes "Once again, economist John Lott has been busted for lying."
Julian Sanchez writes about Lott: "It's long past time for people who care about gun rights to cut this albatross from our necks."
William Quick says that "it doesn't look good for Lott at the moment…
Oh, and in amusing side note, Julian Sanchez uncovered evidence that determined Lott defender Mary Rosh is actually John Lott, and Lott actually confessed. Atrios, Roger Ailes, Kevin Drum and Tom Spencer also seem amused. I've had some discussions with "Mary" on Usenet. Her argument style is…