Roger Ailes makes an good point---now that Lott's mystery survey is getting wide publicity, why haven't any of the students who allegedly did the interviews come forward?
Archpundit points to a Valentine poem in The St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Kieran Healy has a Valentine poem too.
More like this
Ayres and Donohue have sent a letter to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, replying to Lott's 21 July letter. I agree with their description of Lott's behaviour as dishonest.
On July 21, 2003, researcher John Lott wrote a letter to the editor in which he tried to shore up support for his now…
Mark Kleiman is disgusted by Lott's attempts to blame his 13 year-old son for the Rosh review of More Guns, Less Crime. Kieran Healy is disgusted too, and has a nice example of an honest review of a parent's book. Tom Spencer and Roger Ailes are also disgusted. Greg Beato, meanwhile, is…
The Minneapolis Star Tribune has a story about David Gross, who, after all this time, is the only witness to Lott's 1997 survey who has ever been found:
A major player and legal consultant on Minnesota's new gun-permit law is a former board member of the National Rifle Association…
In 2004 Chris Mooney wrote on Op-Ed Seductions:
Two of the most striking recent incidents involve the same author: James Glassman of Tech Central Station and the American Enterprise Institute. Some essential background on Glassman's operation comes from this article by Nicholas Confessore in The…