Kevin Drum has persuaded Lott to consider doing an interview. I think that is an excellent idea. With no-one in blogspace defending him, Lott needs a way to get his point of view across.
Atrios points his readers at Mary Rosh's blog, which has been updated again. (Though with only a few new postings.)
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Links from Chris Mooney, Atrios and Buzzflash. Ted Barlow wonders what John Lott has to do to get fired from the AEI. "Sadly, No!" helpfully suggests that with two more personalities Lott can start a boy band. John Quiggin asks "why so few individual conservatives and libertarians…
Kevin Drum suggests that the large scale of the Lott/Rosh deception suggests that Lott maybe could have carried off a conspiracy with this witness. Sorry, but I still don't buy it. Lott's a liar, but he's a clumsy one. He could have saved himself most of the embarrassment of this Mary…
If you don't know who Mary Rosh is, you might want to read "The Mystery of Mary Rosh". Also of interest might be the blog post that unmasked Mary, and the latest Mary Rosh news.
[Editor's note: Most of these postings were made to Usenet. Some were made to comment sections on blogs, two are…
Kevin Drum points out that a correction that Lott requested in response to this Washington Post item implies that Lott did not use "Mary Rosh" in emails when, in fact, Lott did. Drum thinks Lott is lying, which is certainly quite possible, but since there were hundreds of Rosh…