C. D. Tavares writes:
Go check out the effect of your lovely gun controls on your suicide
rate. Suicide by gun went down. Suicide by other means went up
precisely enough to compensate.
Not true. See Am J Psychiatry 151:4 606-608 (1994).
" To assess the impact of the 1978 Canadian gun control law on suicide
rates in Ontario, the authors compared firearm and non-firearm suicide
rates for 1965-1977 with those for 1979-1989. There was a decrease in
level and trend over time of firearm and total suicide rates and no
indication of substitution of other methods. These decreases may be
only partly due to the legislation."
More like this
Georgie Stanford writes:
The thesis is the following:
(1) Worldwide suicide rates are essentially the same regardless
of political factors such as availability of firearms
when matched for age and sex. Worldwide these are about
1.5% in all whole populations except for 2).
From the UN…
Canada. Gun law in 78.
Homicide rate (per 100,000 population)
74-78 2.7 3.1 2.9 3.0 2.8 average 2.9
79-83 2.7 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.7 average 2.6
(a t test on the statistical significance of the difference of the means gives p=.01)
Thomas Grant Edwards said:
From "Gun Control and Rates of Firearm…
Peter Proctor wrote:
An equivalent wound is ( by definition ) an equivalent wound .
Absent LET effects, it doesn't matter much where it came from.
Oh, so your statement was a tautology? By "equivalent", you meant of
equivalent lethality?
Hole, I meant an equivalent hole. Pretty simple…
Eugene Volokh writes:
Martin Killias's "International Correlations Between Gun Ownership
and Rates of Homicide and Suicide," 148 Can. Med. Assoc. J. 1721, 1723-24
(1993), purported to show that "the proportions and the rates of homicide
and suicide committed with a gun as well as the overall rates…