Gary Kleck Interview: 2.5 million defensive uses.

Larry Cipriani said:

KLECK: About 8 percent of the defensive uses involved a
sexual crime such as an attempted sexual assault. About 29
percent involved some sort of assault other than sexual assault.
Thirty-three percent involved a burglary or some other theft at

33% of 2,500,000 is 825,000. NCS data gives 1,000,000 burglaries each
year when there is someone at home. So in 83% of these burglaries a
gun was used for defence?? NCS asked: 3% said they used a gun for

Twenty-two percent involved robbery.

22% of 2,500,000 is 550,000. NCS data gives about 1,000,000 robberies each
year. So in 55% of these robberies a
gun was used for defence?? NCS asked: 1% said they used a gun for

criminal. And then in 8 percent they actually did wound or kill
the offender.

Kleck has estimated that 15% of gunshot wounds are fatal.
So: 15% of 8% of 2,500,000 is 30,000.
If we believe this survey, we must conclude that there are 30,000
justifiable with-gun homicides in the US each year.

This is much more than twice the number of with-gun homicides,
criminal and non-criminal.

This is 10-20 times Kleck's estimate of the number of justifiable
with-gun homicides in the US each year.

It is 80 times the official FBI count of justifiable with-gun

Sorry, this statistic is totally unbelievable.


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