Mariah Carey

When I mutter about the fourth culture, about the possibility of bridging the cultural chasms separating art and science, I should make it clear that I'm not talking about stuff like this. In fact, I think there's something mildly offensive about turning one of the more profound equations of modern physics into a lame, self-aggrandizing album title.

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I looked through the track titles hoping for a 'Travelling on a light beam' or 'Twin Paradox', but alas, it was just standard torch song fare.

By Ashley Moore (not verified) on 14 Apr 2008 #permalink

I wonder what the E stands for. Energy? Ecstatic? Some other two cent buzzword that is equivalent to Mariah Carey times Carey?

Emancipation. I thought the least she could do is stick with E = energy

In fact, I think there's something mildly offensive about turning one of the more profound equations of modern physics into a lame, self-aggrandizing album title.

I hope you are just kidding around. Because if you are serious, then I think your offenso-meter is in need of some major fucking recalibration.

Jeez, you're a grump. He was clearly kidding. besides, mariah carey's music is much more offensive than her album title.

By Jonathan Shaw (not verified) on 14 Apr 2008 #permalink

at the risk of further offending the professor, might i add my name to the list of the offended?

i drive a delivery route on the weekends for extra cash, delivering pharmaceuticals to 16 walmart pharmacies in an 8hr span. each store has a large advertisement for mariah's album posted at the entrance.

if they are still up next weekend, i'm bringing some black duct tape. at least for the "e=mc^2" part. ;)

By coreydbarbarian (not verified) on 14 Apr 2008 #permalink

According to this article, the actual title of the album is E=mc{+2}.

I don't quite understand how that got translated into E=mc^2 for the album cover, though. The article goes on at quite a length why the title is "additive, not exponential."
