Spiders Like Meat

Here's your crazy factoid of the day. It's from the recent article on spider hunters in the New Yorker by Burkhard Bilger (not online):

Spiders kill at an astonishing pace. One Dutch researcher estimates that there are some five trillion spiders in the Netherlands alone, each of which consumes about a tenth of a gram of meat a day. Were their victims people instead of insects, they would need only three days to eat all sixteen and a half million Dutchmen.


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Crazy factoid? CRAZY factoid??? I would say that your factoid is one knee-quaking, teeth-baring, fingernail biting scary mother-effing factoid! Whoa!

Hum... According to Wikipedia, Netherlands is c.42000 km2. Assuming "trillion" means 1012, that works out to 5x1012/42000 = c.120 billion (120x109) spiders per km2. Is that plausible?