How to Tell if Al Gore Is Running For President

When Al Gore started to run for the presidency in 2000, he was thin. By the time the race was over, he had gained a lot of weight (like Clinton in 1992), and then he kept on gaining weight in the months after the election. (Who could blame him?) He also grew a beard.

However, by December of 2002, by the time he announced he was not running for the presidency in 2004, he had slimmed down again. That meant that he had strongly considered running, was getting himself into presidential trim and then decided against it.

Big Al is back to being pretty big right now, or at least he was a few months ago when he was going around promoting An Inconvenient Truth. But if he shows up on TV six months from now, looking 40 pounds lighter while promoting The Assault on Reason, then get ready, he's running.

Read the whole thing here. If Gore does join Jenny Craig, 2008 will be a hell of a Democratic primary: Obama, Edwards, Hillary, Gore.


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Maybe this country could use another president with a beard. It's been a while.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 16 Nov 2006 #permalink