
I'll be on vacation for the next ten days, and probably won't have much time to blog.

In the meantime, I thought I'd leave everyone with a few random quotes. Even though these jingles have embedded themselves in my brain, I don't really pretend to understand any of them. Your thoughts, as always, are much appreciated.

"To say that we should drop the idea of truth as out there waiting to be discovered is not to say that we have discovered that, out there, there is no truth."
-Richard Rorty

"The psychology which explains everything/explains nothing"
-Marianne Moore

"The final belief is to believe in a fiction, which you know to be a fiction, there being nothing else."
-Wallace Stevens

"The brain is just the weight of God."
-Emily Dickinson

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The first quote, by Richard Rorty--I would love to know the context in which
it was said. I like it (mostly because it's mouldable.) It reminds me of an idea
of Kant's, that there is a reality in which things exist in all dimensions, from all
angles simultaneously. This is where the soul of everything exists, and Kant says
it is something that cannot be grasped or understood by human beings.

I wonder if this reality (apart from the empirical reality that we experience) is where truth exists. Maybe we must surrender to the idea that truth is something severely abstract and unfathomable to the human mind, like an omniscient all-powerful god. Perhaps Rorty wants us to accept that there is indeed truth, but he wants us to cease our search for to attain the unattainable, because maybe, in the end, the universal truth is irrelevant to our tiny little lives. Maybe we just have to live to be the best people we can be, regardless.

The first quote, by Richard Rorty--I would love to know the context in which
it was said. I like it (mostly because it's mouldable.) It reminds me of an idea
of Kant's, that there is a reality in which things exist in all dimensions, from all
angles simultaneously. This is where the soul of everything exists, and Kant says
it is something that cannot be grasped or understood by human beings.